Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Today we will discuss Difference between LM741 and LM358. The operational amplifier is an electrical device that has two input and one output pins. Its inputs are inverting and non-inverting according to positive and negative polarity. There are different types of operational amplifiers common application of this circuit are amplifier operations.
In this post, we will discuss LM741 and LM358 and finds their differences. So let get started.
What is LM358
- LM358 is a less power-consuming dual-operational amplifier IC that was created by national semiconductor.
- Its inputs voltage is about +3 to +32 volts for a single power supply and for double power supplies ±1.5 to ±16 volts
- This device gets the small inputs volts less than ground since BJT transistor is connected at input such that base-emitter junction voltage give enough voltage differential among the collector and base for the transistor to operate
What is LM741
- LM741 is a general-purpose operational amplifier that provides operation according to industrial standards.
- The structure of the LM741 consists of a single operational amplifier. It works as a comparator because it has an op-amp circuit that compares two signals which are inverting and non-inverting signals.
- Its common application is to perform mathematical operations.
- Its high gain value makes it effective for voltage amplifier circuits. It can work with one or two power supplies
- It is a monotheistic IC that is configured for operational amplifiers.
- The number 741 in this IC indicates that this op amp comes with seven pins, four are input pins and one is output.
- Because it has a high voltage gain, it is used as an integrator, summing amplifier and general feedback circuits
- It has built-in short-circuit protection circuits and internal frequency compensation circuits
- It has three packs
8 pin SOIC
8-pin DIP package
TO5-8 Metal can packaging
Difference between LM741 and LM358
- The LM358 is a new type of operational amplifier the LM741. The basic difference between this two op-amps is that LM741 can operate on the negative or positive voltage meaning it is bipolar
- But LM358 has input volts zero volts minimum through thirty volts single supply which means input ranges go to negative supply pin. The upper limit is 1.5 volts less than the positive supply pin.
- The difference in input biasing current also exists since the inner structure of the operational amplifier. Though 10s of nA can not be enough, 100nA passes through ten-kilo ohm and produces a faults voltage of one millivolt, which can be adjusted according to circuits demands
LM741 Internal Circuit
- The input part of the LM741 amplifier is different from the LM358. Its input parts is created through the use of pair of NPN transistors which buffered the PNP transconductance gain stage the current mirror split the current equally between both pins of the differential amplifier and the current source providing the current at the input stage
- Current mirrors and PNP amplifier get two diode losses through the negative supply and the input transistor get another diode voltage loss that indicates that input must be equal to a minimum of three diode drops greatest than the negative supply to operate accurately.
LM358 Internal Circuit
- The input phase is different from LM741. Its input part is buffered two times which results in a reduction of biasing current. Since input transistors are PNP configured through when input volts is zero volts emitter remains at 0.6 volts, to provide the accurate operation
- The additional PNP buffer transistors provide the protection to input current mirror through low input voltage by making sure that one diode losses is existing across that
LM741 vs. LM358
- Maximum supply volts for lm741 are ±22V and for LM358 are 32V (±16V)
- Input biases current for LM741 is 200nA and for LM358 is 100nA
- Input voltage range highest value is ±13V (±15V supply) and for LM358 is 0V – (V+ – 1.5V) (30V supply)
- LM741 is a dual supply operation and LM358 single supply operation
- Input common-mode range does not have either supply rial should be two volts less or over and LM358 has a relatively biased current
- LM741 is an older version and LM358 is new and used for new projects
- LM741 is a single amplifier in packaging and LM358 is a dual amplifier in single packaging also quad packaging is available
That is all about the Difference between LM741 and LM358 all details has explained. If you have any queries ask here