Hello, readers welcome to new post. We will discuss Difference between FTP and HTTP. These 2 are file transfer protocols that are used for the transmission of data among the users and servers. HTTP operation is like the function combination of both FTP and SMTP. If there is a certain value of arrangements occurs when communication is processed between users and servers.
The basic difference between HTTP and FTP is that HTTP for requests give a web page through a web server to browsers. FTP is used for uploading and downloading data among the users and servers. We will discuss different parameters to find the differences so let’s get started Difference between FTP and HTTP.
Difference between FTP and HTTP
What is HTTP
- The full form of HTTP is a hypertext transfer protocol. The HTTP is considered the main control of WWW.
- It is the standard of the internet that helps in the processing of transmission of the numerous website pages on the internet.
- HTTP assists in defining the browsers that give responses to other requests received on the web.
- Every web address of the pages comprises of domain title and protocol and paths for web pages.
- The URL of sites consists of HTTP:// that denotes the website has an HTTP protocol
- HTTP also configured to the TCP
- The use of hyperlinks makes the directory configuration at the server not displayed.
- HTTP helps to transfer small data files
- In some cases, HTTP does not need usernames and passwords for identification
- HTTP helps to visit the different sites
- For downloads, the larger files HTTP is a good option than the FTP
- One-way communication is done through HTTP to transmit the data
- It uses ports 80 and 8080
What is FTP
- The full form of FTP is a file transfer protocol used for transferring files on the internet in a user.
- It needed identification for application and was designed at a time when data security issues were created.
- It uses ports 20 and 21 for operation. For larger sizes transferring it is used.
- The FTP is slower technology than others and some new high-speed technology is used.
- The commonly used browsers like Mozilla, and Google support the FTP
- FTP stands for file transfer protocol and HTTP stands for the hypertext transfer protocol
- FTP makes directions for how to download and upload files on the computer from the internet and HTTP makes rules for the transfer of web pages
- It is used to make connections for controls and data connections while HTTP supports the data connection
- Both supported on the TCP and FTP work on 21 and 20 ports while HTTP work on the 80 port
- URL used FTP starts with FTP and that URL uses HTTP starts with HTTP
- FTP needs authentication and HTTP does not need
- FTP can transmit large files and HTTP can transmit small files
Advantages of HTTP
- HTTP works by using network protocols on the Internet
- Websites are cached on the Internet or on computers that will be easily accessible. It does not need any operating time, so it consumes less time
The entire operational area used for cross-platform porting services
HTTP will be used on firewalls, which is an important feature for security services
World-class services can be performed via HTTP
HTTP Disadvantages
- Its main disadvantage is that it is not secure and anyone can gain access to the data.
Data integrity is the main thing because anyone can make changes to the website pages. So it is not considered as secure as HTTPS.
For this security reason, HTTPS is preferred over HTTP.
Its main disadvantage is that a username and password can be easily obtained from it
FTP Advantages
- Data can be sent from one point to another in a secure way
- it is a very efficient method
- It is a secure technique since a user ID and password to access the files
FTP Disadvantages
- For use of FTP services, you must have encrypted communication. Since numerous FTP did not have encryption
- It did not have features to send the file at the same time and is also limited to data transfer of 2 gigabytes
- The password and ID of users can get thief by any non-reorganized person
- It also not compatible with OS
FTP vs HTTP Comparsion
- The full form is a hypertext transfer protocol
- It is based on a principle that defines how web pages are transferred to different computers with the internet.
- it compatible with data connection
- It employs transmission control protocol and operates on TCP port 80
- The URL that has HTTP protocol will start with HTTP
- There is no need for authentication.
- It is good to use for transferring small files.
- Filed transferred to the computer through the internet not saved to memory.
- It is compatible with the In-band type of band transfer.
- HTTP offers web pages to web browsers from web servers.
- Its RFC types are 2616, 7230, and 7231.
- It is faster than the FTP
- It uses Persistent and Non-persistent TCP connections.
- Full form of file transfer protocol.
- It helps to download and upload files on a computer through the Internet.
- It is compatible with a data connection and control connections.
- It works on transmission control protocol and operates on TCP port 20 and TCP port 21.
- FTP employed URT started with FTP.
- It uses authentication.
- It is good for transferring larger files.
- Its RFCs are 959, 765, 1732.
- It is slow than HTTP
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That is all about the difference between FTP and HTTP all details has explained. If you have any queries ask in the comments. Thanks for reading have a nice day