Hello, readers welcome to the new post. We will discuss Difference Between HTTP and WWW. The basic difference between these two protocols WWW is used as a prefix in the uniform resource locator. HTTP makes communication among the servers and browsers. HTTP is also used to transmit data from one location to another
In this post, we will discuss different parameters to find differences. SO let’s get started Difference Between HTTP and WWW
Difference Between HTTP and WWW
What is HTTP
- The HTTP is a protocol that makes communication among browsers and website servers.
- It explains the technique through which messages are transmitted and configured in the browsers.
- HTTP indicates the website techniques to certain configurations and use of certain protocol
- It is also called stateless modules since work on the requirements of users
Advantages of HTTP
- HTTP work through the use of networks protocols at the internet
- Web pages are saved in the internet caches or in computers that will be easy to access. It not need any running time so uses less time
- The entire operating area used for cross-platform porting services
- There will be use of HTTP on the firewalls which is important feature for security services
- World-level services can be done through HTTP
HTTP Disadvantages
- Its main drawback is that it not secure and anyone can get access to the data.
- The integrity of data is the main thing since anyone can make variations in the site pages. So it not considered as secure as HTTPS.
- For this security reason, HTTPS is preferred over HTTP.
- Its main drawback is that username and password can be get easily from it
What is WWW
- The full form of WWW is the world wide web. It is a group of websites saved in the web server which helps us to link with the computer through the use of the internet.
- The website at the WWW consists of images, texts, audio, and videos.
- Through the use of computer laptops, we can get access to these sites from all over the world
- In the simplest form, through WWW we can get access to media files and text through the use of electronic gadgets
- URL used for web pasges seraches thatis onlie address for useers to get access to data.
- The group of web pages that is part of a certain URL is called a website
- The WWB is a high-level system that has numerous pages saved in servers all over the universe
- WWW follows hypertext links which permit us to move one site to other
- The combination of all pages that belong to a single unified resource locator is known as a website, for example, www.theengineeringknowledge.com.
- So the WWW is like a big electronic book whose pages (web pages) are stored on different servers around the world.
- All famous and bigger websites use more than one server to store their pages, while new or less popular websites usually use only one server.
- Using more than one server makes it easier for the user to access information quickly.
- The www thus offers a communication platform for users to store and exchange various data via the Internet.
- Unlike a book where we read one page after another in a sequence on the WWW we use hyperlinks to visit web pages after other pages.
WWW Advantages
- From all over the world we can get access to the WWW.
- Through the use of WWW, we can make online transactions and online business
- We can communicate through text messages and emails.
- Through this platform, we can do the marking of our products
Disadvantages of WWW
- It is a chance of data theft cookies used to get the user’s data
- Chances of fake news are also larger through the use of WWW not correct data can be shared.
- Web pages has every type of data that may not of good and viewable openly
Are HTTPS and WWW the same thing?
- The World Wide Web defines that site using HTTP or HTTPS and WWW combines all users and resources that use HTTP. It was made by Sir Tim Berner Lee and mostly used since 1991
What is HTTPS or WWW?
- Hypertext transfer protocol secure is a protocol that secures communication and data transfer for users’ web browsers and sites. HTTPS is a secure type of HTTP
Which is better, WWW or HTTPS?
- HTTPS is highly secure as compared to HTTP since it uses encryption for the protection of data sent between clients and servers. When an organization helps HTTPs any data sent such as passwords or credit card numbers is difficult to intercept.
Why do we use HTTPS instead of WWW?
- HTTP adds an extra layer of security by encrypting traffic between browsers and sites. The advantages of using HTTps provide safety for searching online and also increase the tracking function of e-commerce sites.
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That is all about the Difference Between HTTP and WWW all data has been explained. If you have any queries ask in commetns. Thanks for reading have a nice day
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