I am a professional engineer and graduate from a reputed engineering university also have experience of working as an engineer in different famous industries. I am also a technical content writer my hobby is to explore new things and share with the world. Through this platform, I am also sharing my professional and technical knowledge to engineering students.
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Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Today we will discuss HOW TO HACK HEADPHONE JACK. The headphone jack is also known as an audio jack, jack plug, or phone jack which is a small round phone connector normally used for analog audio signals. It is pin structured structure plug that comes with standard pair of…
Hello, readers welcome to new post. Today we will discuss Difference between %d and %i format specifiers in C language. In C language of programming %d and %i are called formate specifiers. %d was used to specify the variable type as decimal and %i used for integer specification. Note: %d is used to specify signed decimal…
Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Today we will discuss Difference between LM741 and LM358. The operational amplifier is an electrical device that has two input and one output pins. Its inputs are inverting and non-inverting according to positive and negative polarity. There are different types of operational amplifiers common application of this circuit are…
Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Today we will discuss Introduction to Ruby Laser. The ruby laser is a solid-state laser that has a synthetic ruby crystal that works as the gain medium. The first time this laser was created in 1960 by Theodore H TED Maim. This laser generates pulses of coherent visible light…
Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Today we will learn about the Introduction to SLS 3D Printing. SLS stands for selective laser sintering, an industrial 3D printing technique used to construct end-use components. In this technique laser selectively sinter polymer powders piece mixes and create different parts in late by late structure. It is…
Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Today we will discuss Difference between Vacuum tubes and transistors. These two are electronic components that used switches in circuits. It is normally used as a switch in the power supply, computer and communication system. But there are different from each other based on their structure and operation…
Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Today we will discuss Introduction to 741 OP-AMP. The operational amplifier 741 also known as LM741 is a commonly used operational amplifier IC that is used to solve mathematical editions and as an amplifier. It is used to solve mathematical operations like addition, subtraction division differentiation, and some…
Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Today we will discuss Difference between ROM and PROM. These two are storage devices that are used for data storage before the use of SD cards and hard drives. ROM is read-only memory that is memory chip stores the data permanently. But PROM full form is programmable read-only…
Hello, readers welcome to new post. Today we will discuss Introduction to Lightning Connector. It is a computer bus and power connector designed by Apple Inc. It was first time used in 2012 and replaces the previous technology’s 30-pin dock connector. Lightning connectors are used to make connections between Apple mobile devices like iPads, iPhones, and…
Hello, readers welcome to the new post. In this post, we will discuss the Introduction to CD 4017 IC. The CD4017 is CMOS decade counter integrated circuit. It is the best option for low-range counting circuit applications. It can count digits from zero to ten as it is a Decade counter. If you use it in…