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BC557 Pinout,BC557 PNP Transistor Introduction to BC557, bc557 pinout, bc557 power ratings, bc557 applications

Introduction to BC638 PNP Transistor

Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Here we will discuss Introduction to BC638 PNP Transistor. Transistors is considered a very basic component of the electronic industry and electronic projects. Almost each and every electronic-based device has this component. Since it is generally used as switching components and amplifiers circuits. There are two main categories of…

stepp motor is what

Advantage of Stepper Motor

Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Here we will learn Advantage of Stepper Motor. the stepper motor is a brushless synchronous motor that transforms digital pulses into mechanical shaft rotation. its shat motion comes with discrete angular movement of a certain uniform magnitude when operated from a sequentially switched dc supply. stepper motor is…