I am a professional engineer and graduate from a reputed engineering university also have experience of working as an engineer in different famous industries. I am also a technical content writer my hobby is to explore new things and share with the world. Through this platform, I am also sharing my professional and technical knowledge to engineering students. Follow me on: Twitter and Facebook.

Difference Between Active and Passive Filter

Difference Between Active and Passive Filter

Hello, friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will discuss the Difference Between Active and Passive Filter. The basic difference between active and passive filter is that for filtration process in active filter elements like a transistor and operational amplifier is used. While in passive filter resistance, inductor and capacitor…

Difference Between Potentiometer and Rheostat

Difference Between Potentiometer and Rheostat

Hello, friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will discuss the Difference Between Potentiometer and Rheostat. The basic difference between rheostat and potentiometer is that potentiometer is used to find the value unknown electromotive force which regulates the voltage of a circuit. While rheostat is a device that regulates the…

Difference Between Diffraction and Interference

Difference Between Diffraction and Interference

In today’s tutorial, we will discuss the Difference Between Diffraction and Interference. The basic difference among diffraction and interference is that diffraction occurs when secondary wavelets generated by the numerous portion of wavefront superimpose with each other. Interference The basic difference between diffraction and interference is that diffraction occurs when secondary wavelets generated by the numerous…

Difference Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Difference Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Hello guys, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will discuss the Difference Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller.  the microprocessor is an integrated circuit created to do general-purpose digital functions. While microcontroller is an integrated circuit that consists of numerous components to do a certain function. With that there is another difference…

Difference Between PAM, PWM and PPM

Difference Between PAM, PWM and PPM

Hello guys, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will discuss the Difference Between PAM, PWM and PPM. There are most commonly used techniques for analog pulse modulation which are PAM, PWM and PPM. The basic difference among them is pulse carrier which changes according to the modulating signal.For PWM the…