I am a professional engineer and graduate from a reputed engineering university also have experience of working as an engineer in different famous industries. I am also a technical content writer my hobby is to explore new things and share with the world. Through this platform, I am also sharing my professional and technical knowledge to engineering students. Follow me on: Twitter and Facebook.

Difference Between An Operational Amplifier and Comparator

Difference Between An Operational Amplifier and Comparator

Hello readers welcome to the new post. Today we will discuss Difference Between An Operational Amplifier and a Comparator. From Integrated Circuits , what distinguishes operational amplifiers from comparators—which seem similar or have similar drawing symbols—and how can you tell them apart in real-world settings? Observe their internal difference diagram first:        …

Mechanical Keyboard

Elecrow Mechanical Keyboard Special Promotion

Hello readers welcome to new post. Today we will discuss Elecrow Mechanical Keyboard Special Promotion 2022. The mechanical keyboard is the keyboard of the computer that operates through spring-activated switches. Contrary to the scissor-switch keyboard used in modern laptops or rubber membrane keyboards used with different PCs, the mechanical keyboard uses discrete components that can be…