I am a professional engineer and graduate from a reputed engineering university also have experience of working as an engineer in different famous industries. I am also a technical content writer my hobby is to explore new things and share with the world. Through this platform, I am also sharing my professional and technical knowledge to engineering students. Follow me on: Twitter and Facebook.

Difference between SMTP and IMAP

Difference between SMTP and IMAP

Hello, readers welcome to new post. We will learn Difference between SMTP and IMAP. These two modules are certified TCP/IP protocols used for get and sending an email. These protocols are considered as the necessary component to knowing about the currently used requirements. SMTP is used to transmit the message from the sending point to…

Difference between z wave vs wifi

Difference between z wave vs wifi

Hello readers Welcome to the new post. We will discuss Difference between z wave vs wifi. These two modules are used in home automation. These modules can be configured at the electronic structure. Common installation places are security systems and different smart applications. In this post, we will discuss different parameters to find their differences.…

Applications of Rigid PCB Advantage of Rigid PCB, Rigid vs Flexible PCB, Rigid PCB, Construction of Rigid PCB,

Construction of Rigid PCB

Hello, readers welcome to new post. In this post, we will discuss Construction of Rigid PCB. PCB board is very significant board in the electronic industry and is used in every part of engineering projects and circuits. Different types of PCB boards are in industry and electronics based on their uses structure and different features.…

What is EtherNet

Difference between Ethernet and WIFI

Hello guys welcome to new post. We will discuss Difference between Ethernet and WIFI. WIFI is a wireless communication system used to link devices with others and share the internet through the use of the hotspot. While Ethernet is LAN compatible module employed with wired LAN connection. In this post, we will discuss different parameters…


Difference Between Wi-Fi and Hotspot

Hello readers welcome to new post. we will discuss Difference Between Wi-Fi and Hotspot. There is similar configuration is used in WiFi like the Ethernet to define how the wireless network is connected. Different computers and numerous mobile phones operate on WIFI. A hotspot is used by the individual having a portable computer that can…

Difference Between Wi-Fi and Cellular Data

Difference Between Wi-Fi and Cellular Data

Hello, readers welcome to new post. We will discuss Difference Between Wi-Fi and Cellular Data. The basic difference between these two terms is how your mobile device is linking to the internet. Through cellular data, you can access different applications, Instagram, Google, and other social media platforms. You just have mobile phones with data balances…

what is lifi Difference between WiFi and LiFi

Difference between LiFi and WiFi

Hello readers welcome to the new post. In this post, we will discuss the difference between LiFi and WiFi. These two terms are used to transmit the data without the use of wires. In Wifi routers Radiofrequency is used for data transmission and in LIFi LED bulbs and light signals are used for transferring and…


Difference between Wifi and WiMax

Hello, readers welcome to the new post. here we will discuss Difference between Wifi and WiMax. These two protocols are used to make the wireless systems make connections among the different devices. WIFI is used to make a small level network like connections of printers, computers, and games. Wimax uses spectrum to send the connection to…