I am a professional engineer and graduate from a reputed engineering university also have experience of working as an engineer in different famous industries. I am also a technical content writer my hobby is to explore new things and share with the world. Through this platform, I am also sharing my professional and technical knowledge to engineering students.
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Hello, readers welcome to the new tutorial. Here we will discuss the Importance of PCB IPC Standard. IPC is a trading company related to electronic modules. It set the different parameters for well operation and use of any electronic devices with related training research and different policies. It consists of more than three thousand related…
Hello, readers welcome to the new tutorial. Here we will discuss Audio Amplifier Circuit. There are different projects and circuits used for the creation of audio amplifier circuits. Audio amplifiers are needed to get the required sound for our requirements. Here we will make circuits that will be helpful to get the high audio during circuit…
Hi, readers welcome to the new lecture. Here you will learn about the Introduction to BT136 TRIAC. This triac has features to bear the four-ampere extreme current at its pinout. It is employed in digital circuits since the value of gate volts is less. The bidirectional operation can be used for AC circuits where polarity varied.…
Hello, guys welcome to the new tutorial. Here we will discuss Introduction to BT139 TRIAC. TRIAC also called bidirectional triode thyristor and bilateral triode thyristor has three pinout that is used for the current configuration. TRIAC is created with the use of thyristors and its working operation is like the relay in the sense that…
Hello readers welcome to new tutorial. Here we will discuss What is Prototyping Printed Circuit Board. PCB board is considered as the main element of industry and electronic devices. PCB comes with different layers of coppers that helps to flows the current to the component connected on the board. PCB prototype is considered a significant component…
Hello, readers welcome to the new tutorial. Here we will discuss Some factors you Must Know about PCB. PCB board is considered as a very significant module of any electronic device. It comes in different types such as single-layer double layer multiple layers etc. All these types of PCB boards are used according to their…
Hello, readers welcome to the new tutorial. Here we will cover the Introduction to SMD Components. SMT is a surface-mounted technique that is used for the creation of projects on the PCB board. The components created with the use of the SMT technique is called SMD components. The area covered by the SMD devices is less…
Hello, readers welcome to the new tutorial. Here we will discuss the Construction of METAL CORE PCB. PCB stands for printed circuit board employed in different engineering projects and electronic devices. All circuits and designs are assembled on the board to get the desired circuits and results. PCB has a symbolic representation of different components where…
Hello, readers welcome to the new tutorial here we will learn Introduction to SMT Reflow soldering Process. It is currently used technique for the creation of PCB boards. This technique helps to make larger levels of products by permitting the elements to be eliminated from the real soldering technique. This module helps to connect larger…
Hello readers welcome to the new tutorial. Here we will learn SMT is better Than Through Hole. PCB is considered as the best and finest component of any project and electronic device. There are different ways used for the creation of a PCB board but most commonly are through holes and SMT. Both of these…