I am a professional engineer and graduate from a reputed engineering university also have experience of working as an engineer in different famous industries. I am also a technical content writer my hobby is to explore new things and share with the world. Through this platform, I am also sharing my professional and technical knowledge to engineering students.
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Hello, the friend I hope you all are doing great. In this post, we will have a detailed look at Introduction to Orifice Plate. An orifice plate is a module that is used for gaging of the rate of flow of different fluids, dropping pressure, or for limiting flow for these two works it is also known…
Hi reader I hope you all are having fun in your life. In this post, we will have a detailed look at an introduction to Rotameter. A Rotameter is an expedient which processes the volumetric flow rate of liquid in a padlocked duct. It is a type of meter known as variable area meters, which calculate…
Hi, reader welcome to a new post in this post we will have a detailed look at Pitot Tube. The pitot tube is the simplest flow sensors, it is used in a different kind of flow measurement requirements like air velocity in competing cars and fighter jets. In engineering submissions, pitot tubes are works to calculate air…
Hello friends I hope you all are doing great. In this post, we will have a detailed look at Starting Methods of Single Phase Induction Motor. A Single-phase induction motor is a type of induction motor that operates on a single phase. There are two main types of induction motor first one single a phase induction motor…
Hello, friends welcome to another interesting post. In this post, we will have a detailed look at Three Types of Filter Response Characteristics. Every category of filter response either low pass, bandpass, or high pass can be treated through the circuitry element parameters to maintain Butterworth, Chebyshev, or Bessel parameters or characteristics. Every one of these features…
Hi, friends welcome to another interesting post. In this post, we will have a detailed look at Gain versus the frequency response of Filter. Filters generally have types according to the way that has variation in output with respect to the frequency of input voltage. The common types of active filters are low pass filter, highpass filter,…
Hi, guys welcome to another interesting post. In this post, we will discuss What is Active Low-Pass Filters. Filter is such circuits which comprise of the operational amplifier as the active component offers a numerous benefit over the passive filter configuration such as R, L, and C. The operational amplifier has a value of gain, therefore, the…
Hi, readers, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s post, we will have a detailed look at Types of Active Band-Pass Filters. The bandpass filter configuration has the ability to pass types of frequency through a lower frequency limit and upper-frequency limit and do rejection for all other frequency ranges existing beyond this range. The…
High friends, I hope you all doing great. In today’s post, we will have a detailed look at Two Methods for Measuring Frequency Response. The main techniques for measuring the filter response of frequency measurements are discrete point measurement and swept frequency measurements. In this post, we will discuss these 2 methods one by one with the…
Hi, reader, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s post, we will have a detailed look at How to Troubleshoot OP-Amp Circuits. As ICs created with the operational amplifier can be easily handled, operate well in normal conditions but some faults exist in these modules with In today’s post, we will have a detailed look…