I am a professional engineer and graduate from a reputed engineering university also have experience of working as an engineer in different famous industries. I am also a technical content writer my hobby is to explore new things and share with the world. Through this platform, I am also sharing my professional and technical knowledge to engineering students.
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Hello, readers welcome to the new tutorial. we will discuss Difference Between a Colorimeter and Spectrophotometer. these two are instruments that used for measuring the light-absorbing capacity of different materials. A spectrophotometer is used to measure the light transmitted and reflected when passes through any solution. While colorimeter is used to measure the quantity of…
Hello, readers welcome to new post. Here we will discuss Difference Between Power Transformer and Distribution Transformer. The transformer is a device that is used to vary the voltage level from high to low or low to high according to load demands. Normally two types of transformer are used in electrical power system. The first…
But before doing it, the basic difference between electrical and electronic engineering is made properly. Electrical devices like those used in PCs and other technologies are part of electronic engineering, and large-scale electrical power production and delivery are part of electric designing. There are many similar features for computer science and electrical engineering but the…
Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Here we will discuss HOW TO CLEAN CIRCUIT BOARD CORROSION. PCB boards are considered the main part of our electronic industry and projects that are constructed by us. From some small to big devices PCB board is very commonly used like other technologies has become a common part…
Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Here we will discuss Difference Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors. the basic difference between these two is their doping level, holes, and electron quantity define their differences. Here we will cover all details about these materials. So let’s get started. Difference Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductor What is Extrinsic…
Hello, readers welcome to a new post. Here we will discuss Introduction to ATMega2560 Microcontroller. ATMega2560 belongs to the Atmel family and eight-bit less power usage microcontroller that exists in the Arduino Mega board. Its architecture is eight-bit AVR RISC. it also has 256-kilobyte memory with 4JB EEPROM and eight KB static RAM. Different modules such…
Hello, readers welcome to new post. In this post, we will discuss the Introduction to MG82F6D17 Microcontroller. It is a single-chip microcontroller based on high operating 1-T architecture 80C51 central processing unit which implies commands in one to seven clock cycles and consists of 8051 instructions. So similar operation of 8051 this module can work at…
Hello, readers welcome to new tutorial. Here we will discuss Difference Between Adhesion and Cohesion. These two terms are types of attraction forces existing among the molecules. In some case these forces are considered as same but are different. The basic difference between these two forces it that cohesion is a force of attraction that lies…
Hello, readers welcome to new post. Here we will discuss Difference Between HDD and SSD. These two storage are called nonvolatile storage devices that used in personal computers and other devices. The common difference between this two storage is that the technology used for storing the data both use different techniques for storing od data.…
Hello, readers welcome to new post. Here we will discuss Introduction to CN3065 Mini Solar Charger. Nowadays uses of solar power is very common. With the advancement of new innovations in the solar panel techniques and different algorithms implementation of solar power has become very common. CN30645 is an IC-based solar power system that comes with…