Hello, friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will discuss the Difference Between AC & DC Voltage. The basic difference between the AC voltage and DC voltage is the wave of ac voltage changes polarity after a certain time interval while dc voltage has constant polarity throughout the given time.
In today’s post, we will have a detailed look at both AC and dc voltages with a detailed comparison of them to find their differences according to their related parameters. So let’s get started with the Difference Between AC & DC Voltage.
Difference Between AC & DC Voltage
AC Voltage
- The force that generates the alternating current between 2 points is known as ac voltage.
- Its symbolic representation is like the sine waveform.
- AC voltage is generated through the ac generators like a synchronous generator and induction generators.
- The efficiency of the ac voltage is large.
- Its passive element is impedance.
- This voltage has some amplitude.
- AC volts are produced through ac generator like a synchronous generator.
- Ac volts transmission through longer distance very easily.
- It can be changed from one level to another through the use of a transformer
- Normally three-wire system is used to ac voltage transmission
- Star and delta configuration used for transmission.
- The Star transmission system has four wires one phase and three neutral and the delta has three.
- The frequency value of ac voltage is different for different countries. Some countries use fifty-hertz frequency and some countries use sixty-hertz frequency.
- The polarity of AC voltage varies after a certain time interval.
- The direction of AC voltage does not remain constant.
- It can be transformed with the use of an inverter.
- AC voltage is used for the transmission of power.
- There is also the existence of phase and neutral for ac voltages.
- The benefit offered by the AC voltage is that it can be found very easily.
- The value of the power factor for AC voltage is lies between zero and one.
- Rectifier used for ac to dc conversion
DC Voltage
- The voltage that generates DC between two points is called the dc voltage.
- Its symbolic representation is a straight line.
- It is used to transmit through two-wire one phase and one neutral.
- Its generation is more difficult than AC.
- Its transmission is costly.
- Can not change value through the transformer.
- Ac to dc conversion is done through a rectifier
- Its frequency is zero.
- The power factor value for dc voltage is zero.
- Its polarity does not vary.
- Its direction of propagation also not vary.
- It can be obtained from the dc battery.
- It provides less efficiency.
- Its passive parameter is resistance.
- There are no amplitude exits for dc voltage.
- The benefit offered by the dc voltage is that it can be easily amplified.
Read also:
- Is a Car Battery AC or DC Power Source?
- Difference Between Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC)
- Difference Between AC and DC Motor
- How to Make 12v DC to 220v AC Inverter
- Difference Between AC & DC Transmission Line
- Difference Between AC & DC Bridge
- Introduction to DC Machines, Working, Construction & Application
- For DC, voltage is constant, and current flows in a certain direction. While in AC voltage periodically varies from positive to negative and from negative to positive and the direction of the current changes.
- DC moves at lower voltage and makes it difficult to set Up. AC loses less energy during transmission. Energy losses is less when AC travels at a higher voltage.
- David AC voltage with the square root of 2 for finding DC voltage as AC power supply sends voltage in AC waves, DC voltage will be less when converted
- For lower medium power AC to DC supplies, the needed input voltage operating range is standard from 85 to 264 VAC.
- There are some changes in features for different countries and like a single standard range can cover the need of different applications
- The current forming from the grid is ac and batteries in cars store DC. Due to that many devices come with built-in converters.
- In Europe and USA, homes use AC power. AC power is standard for residential electrical systems The current provided by utility companies is AC and homes come with AC outlets and devices made run on AC power
- An inverter is a device that converts dc to AC in a simple way. The rectifier is device that is used to convert ac power supply to DC power.
- DC is not used in homes since it is not easy to produce since it is produced in batteries and electrochemical of photovoltaic cells.
- Power losses exist in transmission in DC than ac
- Irrespective fact that current strength can vary with time, itis normal motion is in the same direction. You can use an oscilloscope to find whether either signal is ac or DC. If output when output wires connected with oscilloscope comes with sinusoidal waveform, it is AC.
- The standard in USA is 120V and 60Hz AC electricity
- Batteries, fule cells,s and solar all generated DC. Positive and negative terminals of the battery are positive and negative. Current flows in the same direction in two terminals.
That is a detailed post about the difference between ac and dc voltage. If you have any further queries ask in the comments. Thanks for reading. Have a good day.