hello, friends welcome to a new post in this post we will have a detailed look at 3 Best Arduino-based projects using PCB. Arduino is an open-source module that used in different types of projects. This module comprises of programming ports as well as ports to make connections with other external devices. Here we used it with the PCB board to make some different projects.
We will make some projects that will help students in their semesters to get through great knowledge. So let’s get started 3 Best Arduino based projects using PCB.
Arduino Based Self-Balancing Robot
- In this Arduino-based project, we are using self-based robot having 2 wheels with a combination of PCB board that is created and designed by the most reliable and trustable PCB supplier PCBWAY. Here we are using Arduino nano in this project.
- This project circuit will help you to learn about PID controllers that help to make collaboration to the complicated coding with the use of infrared sensors.
Project Components
- Â motor driver
- RGB led
- Boost Converter
- Preset
- MPU6050
- Arduino Nano
- Battery charging
- Tactile Switch
- micro metal motors
Project Operation
- In this, projects passive elements are used.
- The MPU6050 is a rotating component that is functioning to finds the measurement angle of the module or project over which it operating.
- For controlling the operating of this project through the use of another transmission module there is a Bluetooth module installed on it means we can regulate its operation.
- To power the circuit there is interfacing is done through the external power supply that sending power to the board.
- Here is alarm is linked to show the operating condition of the circuit either it’s working accurately or not.
- The circuitry board that we can configure to this project and making assembly on the board gets through the best PCB supplier that is PCBWAY working on china based offered different services related to PCB.
Features of PCB Board
- The PCB Board created by the PCBWAY has certain values of designing measures and values that are mentioned here.
- The physical dimensions of the board are 77 x 94 millimeters.
- In this board, we ask our supplier to make a double layer of FR4 material that offered good operating conditions for the material and makes it effective to the operative.
- This supplier the board designing in different software but I use to ask EAGLE design tool to make project accurately working.
- When the design created Gerber files and controlled files is finished then the order was sent to the PCBWAY here you can see the final look of the board created by that PCB supplier. To avail of the services and get the required PCB board to click here.
5 in 1 Arduino Robot Simulation
- In this project, the controller board created has features to get programming instruction in differnt5 ways that are line following, follow me, drawing, sumo and obstacle.
- In this project to run motor, there is the usage of L293 motor driver and ATmega328p controller.
- The project details are mentioned here.
SUMO mode:
- In this stage, 2 opposite robots push another robot similar to the sumo sport.
Follow Me Mode:
- This step to detection o object which we are going to sense for this purpose HC-SR04 module is used
Tracking Mode:
- The line followed is a robotic device that follows the line drawn line which are black or white.
Avoiding Mode:
- this robot project is also named as obstacle avoiding robot is an intelligent module which do detection of any object without any hindrance.
Project Components
- Motor Driver
- 12/16 MHz Crystal
- DIP Socket
- L7805 TO-220
- Â Capacitor
- Ultrasonic Module
- Type B USB Socket
- Microcontroller
LED stair light Control with SmartHome
- In this project, there is the creation of LED starlight that is controlled with motion. When there is the detection of motion by the sensor the staircase lights glows and then dim where the signal due to motion is not existing.
- This certain PCB board is created and designed by the PCBWAY to make sixteen stages flight and sensing of motion is get by the PIR sensor.
Project Components
- capacitors
- 470 uf capacitor
- SMD capacitor
- resistor
- Diode
- resistance
- Shift register
- Reset button
- Arduino Nano
- LM7805
PCB Features
- The board created by PCBWAY has certain dimensions that are explained here.
- two layers PCB 99x 100 millimeter FR-4
- 1.7 millimeter, one, HASL with lead solder mask color blue-white color silkscreen
- The software used can be configured according to users requirements
That is a detailed post about 3 Best Arduino-based projects using PCB for any further query ask in the comments. See you in the next post