Hello readers welcome to new tutorial. Here we will discuss Main Components of Arduino UNO. There are different types of Arduino used such as Lilypad, Arduino Mini, and Arduino Mega. Arduino UNO comes with different features.
This board is employed in different projects and modules that are needed. Here we will discuss the different pins and components of this Arduino in detail. So let’s get started arduino uno parts,
Main Components of Arduino UNO
- Different Arduino uno components are discussed here.
- It is the main part of Arduino that is ATMEGA328.
- It comes with digital pins of fourteen. Six analog input pinouts.
- DC for this module is forty milliamperes.
GPIO Pinout
- Pins lie on the upper and lower portions called GPIO or general-purpose pinouts. These pins help to make a connection with other exterior modules.
Digital Pins
- This pinout has features to give power five volts high and zero volts low to other devices connected with Arduino. Pins numbers from zero to thirteen are digital pins
Analog Pins
- These pins are nominated as Ao to A5 and used to sense voltage values of zero and five volts.
Power Pins
- These pins can power five volts to other exterior devices linked to this board.
SDA and SCL Pins
- These pins are used as I2C communication protocol.
TX and Rx
- These two pins are used for UART communication.
PWM Pins
- These are used as pulse-width modulation pins.
Reset Button
- This button is used for restarting the Arduino modules.
Crystal Oscillator
- This module helps Arduino to make an overview of the time and creates pulse width modulation aslo used for serial communication
Input Jack
- Through this module power of five volts can be given to Arduino through USB.
Voltage Regulator
- This point is used to reduce the voltage value from 12 to seven according to module demand.
USB Connector
- Through this point, programs are given to the board through use of a USB module. Serial data produced through the board is sent to the computer and can be seen on a computer screen
Arduino uno partsÂ
Arduino board components are listed here
- Analog Reference pin
- Digital Ground pinout
- Digital Pins 2 to 13
- Digital Pins 0 to1
- Analog In Pins 0 to 5
- Reset Button
- In-circuit Serial Programmer
- Power and Ground Pinout
- External Power Source
- Toggles External Power supply and USB
ATmega328PÂ is mostly used on different types of Arduino boards. That comes with these pins
- It has 14 digital input and output pins
- Six analog input pins
- static ram of 2 KB
- At each input and output pin, there is forty mili per current given
- it comes with thirty-two kb flash
Communication Interface
Serial Communication (UART):
- The UART is a protocol used by Arduino for serial communication to other devices. UART full from is a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter and transfers the bit.
- The built-in hardware in Arduino helps to communicate with sensors, actuators, Rasperry pies, and other boards.
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C):
- It is also a communication protocol that helps to connect many connections with less wiring. in this process communication between different channels can made with the use of two wires called SDA, and SCL. Arduino is made with pins that help Arduino to connect to sensors and displays easily
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI):
- it is used when there is a need for high-speed data transfer. The many lines used in this protocol help to connect the controller with other devices. Contrary to I2C, it has different wires for coordinating different operations such as communication, clock controls, etc.
- SPI is best used for the connection of Arduino to SD cards, display modules, and DAC.
Digital Pins
- There are two types of serial pin receiver and transmitter serial data. On Arduino Diecimila 2 pins are connected as zero and one if they used for communication. They also exist at pin 12 where TX flashes LED when data sent and RX flashes when data is received. In some conditions, it used for TTL serieal module
External Interrupts:
- It is used for triggering interrupts when needed. This interruption occurs due to a rising or falling edge, or a change in value. When an interrupt is exited, Arduino comes to a halt and starts working only when told.
- PWM full form is pulse width modulation, and PINs 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 are PWM pins. The analogWrite() function is used for producing 8-bit output. If a larger output is received or transmitted, an 8-bit output is produced. On some boards such as ATmega8, these pins are 9, 10, and 11.
SPI(serial peripheral interface):
- It is a synchronous serial data protocol used by the controller. It exists at pins 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), and 13 (SCK) are used by microcontrollers for communicating with different devices. Output work as slave to master of SPI bus
- It exists at pin 13 for some Arduino, LED is used for testing featues. LED glows when the pin is HIGH and off when the pin is LOW. It is easy to connect some external LEDs with the use of a breadboard and jumper wires
Power Pins
5V(Power Supply):
- It is the voltage used for operating components such as the controller on board. This power can be either from VIN or a source that provides a regulation of about 5 volts. The voltage is less thatn this not on the Arduino.
- It is called a Ground pin and is used as a reference level for ground. It is automatically at zero potential.
Other Pins
- The analog reference pin is used for setting the upper limit to voltage for the analog pin. It is done with analogReference()Â function.
- This pin is used for resetting the condition of the controller by setting all values to default values. When all actions are done or some wrong program is applied then reset Arduino so can use this pin.
Read also:
- Introduction to Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3
- LED Control Using Arduino
- Arduino Yun: Perfect Arduino for Beginners
- ESP32 vs ESP8266 – Which One To Choose?
- Arduino UNO is a controller board based on the ATmega328P. It comes with 14 digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator,a power jack, USB connection, , an ICSP header and a reset button.
- Â Microchip ATmega328P (8-bit AVR core) Clock Speed: 16 MHz on Uno board, though IC has features of 20 MHz maximum at 5 Volts.
- Arduino is a low-cost, flexible, and easily programmed open-source controller board that can configured with different projects. it can interface with Arduino shields, Arduino boards, and Raspberry Pi boards and control relays, LEDs, servos, and motors as an output.
- functions.
- variables.
- structure.
- Arduino uses different C++ programming languages. The code is written C++ with use of special techniques and functions.
What are the 5 main parts of an Arduino Uno?
- Power (USB / Barrel Jack)
- Pins (5V, 3.3V, GND, Analog, Digital, PWM, AREF) .
- Reset Button.
- Power LED Indicator.
- Main IC.
- Voltage Regulator.
Which microcontroller is used in Arduino Uno?
- Arduino Uno Rev. 3 Microcontroller Board is based on Microchip Technology ATmega328 8-bit Microcontroller (MCU). Arduino Uno comes with 14 digital input/output pins (six of which can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, and a 16MHz quartz crystal.
- Arduino UNO board comes with many components such as  14 digital input/output pins, a USB connector, ICSP header, a power jack, and a reset button etc. All components perform different functionsÂ
What are the two main basic functions of Arduino?
- There are two main part of Arduino program  setup () and loop (). The name of the functions defines their purpose and activity: setup () sets up the Arduino hardware, like specifying which I/O lines to use, and either they are inputs or outputs.
That is all about the Main Components arduino uno parts,. .I have explained all parts of this board with detail if you have any further query ask in the comments. Thanks for reading.