Audio Amplifier Circuit

Audio Amplifier Circuit

Hello, readers welcome to the new tutorial. Here we will discuss Audio Amplifier Circuit. There are different projects and circuits used for the creation of audio amplifier circuits. Audio amplifiers are needed to get the required sound for our requirements. Here we will make circuits that will be helpful to get the high audio during circuit…

Introduction to BT136 TRIAC Working, Pinout & Application

Introduction to BT136 TRIAC

Hi, readers welcome to the new lecture. Here you will learn about the Introduction to BT136 TRIAC. This triac has features to bear the four-ampere extreme current at its pinout. It is employed in digital circuits since the value of gate volts is less. The bidirectional operation can be used for AC circuits where polarity varied.…

Introduction to LF353N Op-Amp

Introduction to LF353N Op-Amp

Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Here we will discuss Introduction to LF353N Op-Amp. The LM353N is designed as an input amplifier for low-noise, low-current, and fast-switching audio applications commonly used in dual-supply operation. It features a highly stable, programmable output stage, low noise, and is based on the latest CMOS technology. So let’s…