7 Segment Display Pinout, Types, Specifications, Working and Applications

7 Segment Display Pinout, Types, Specifications, Working and Applications

What is a 7-Segment Display Pinout? 7 Segment Display Pinout is mostly used in electronic components that display numbers and alphabetic characteristics. It is created with seven individual LEDs each can be on or off independently to make required characteristics or numbers.   In this post, we will discuss its pinout, features, working, and other parameters.…

Types of Pumps and their uses

A pump is a device that moves fluids (beverages or gases) or once in a while slurries[via mechanical motion, commonly converted from electrical strength to hydraulic electricity. Mechanical pumps are utilized in a huge range of packages, which includes pumping water from wells, filtering aquariums, filtering and aerating ponds, in the automobile enterprise for water…