Hello, friends welcome to the new post. In this post, we will discuss Difference Between Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. There are generally 2 techniques used for decreasing the temperature of air first one is air conditioning and the second one is refrigeration. The basic comparison among them is that refrigeration is used to sustain the temperature value at certain areas like in refrigerators.
While air conditioning used to decreases the value of temperature at a noncertain area or region. In this post, we will cover the basics of these two factors. So let’s get started with Difference Between Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
Difference Between Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
- The word refrigeration defines the word colling in a certain area, it also called a system used to retain the temperature at a specific value.
- It also described that it is the humanly created colling process. As we know that energy is a type of heat that is transformed from the less temperature area to a high-temperature area.
- There are numerous applications of refrigeration, like refrigerator of your home freezer used in industries.
- With the invention of refrigeration, there have been huge changes occur in different industries like agriculture, food, etc.
- the transformation of energy is done through the process of mechanical another form of heat transformation are also occurs like electricity, laser. etc
- In older years the preserving of food was very difficult but now there is use of refrigeration is common in our lifestyle.
Parts of Refrigeration
- This is the main element of refrigeration that get the heat through the refrigerant component used in the device. The heat then moves to this part through the use of a component site in the evaporator.
- The main function is the compress the cooling element to certain pressure that is close to the temperature value larger than the temperature at compressor
Refrigeration Cycle
Air Conditioning
- The air conditioning offers the colling process for each and every portion of the place where it employed contrary to refrigeration.
- The building having air conditioners consists of closed windows since the open area will not be good for this system to operate properly.
- this system is such that air is normally getting in a certain area through ventilation in the mixing the air chamber to move out to the air.
- This mixed air moves to the indoor and outdoor heat ejection portion where the air will become cool.
- The part of air will make the fresh it can be set the open of this ventilation.
Air Conditioning types
Mini-split AC
- This type of air conditioner is called ductless ac is used to cool one or more than one room of the house or any apartment,
- In multi-zone networks, it is employed to cool the eight rooms. It can cool many rooms but its larger length causes the problems during installation
Ducted Central AC.
- In this system, there is 2 heat exchanges are employed one is the exterior part which is the condenser and the other is the inner heat exchanger called the evaporator.
Air Conditioning Working
- The colling process is done through the vapor compressor cycle in the AC. This process is accomplished through the forced circulation process through which phase varies of the refrigerant component from gas to liquid.
- The vapor compression is done through single or compact packaging in the colling part that is link the fan at the evaporator.
what is a ton in an air conditioner?
- The ton in the air conditioner is a term that explain the quantity of heat can be removed by the AC from the room in a single hour.
- The unit used for heat elimination is BTU or the British Thermal Unit. Let us suppose that we have a one-ton ac then this ac can eliminate to twelve thousand BTUs in a single hour.
Comparison Between Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
What is Refrigeration
- The process used to send heat to such an area where large temperatures exist.
- The structure of this module is that it consists of a single unit having an evaporator, condenser, and compressor in one system.
- Its practical example is a refrigerator.
- This system does not use a fan like the air conditioners.
What is Air Conditioning
- The process is used to eliminate heat from a certain area to sustain a lower temperature.
- In this system, there is 2 units assembled first one is for evaporation is the evaporator and the second one is the compressor and condenser.
- this system used a fan.
What is the main difference between an air conditioner and air cooler?
- Air conditioners repetitively circulate air in the room for cooling and an air cooler releases air from the outside and cools. As compared to conditioners the air coolers do not dry out the air in the room.
Is refrigeration cooling better than air conditioning?
- The main advantage of refrigerated air is high efficiency. These air conditioners work well. Set the thermostat for the required temperature, then not need to system on and off.
Is air conditioning the same as refrigerant?
- Refrigeration keeps cold air close, air conditioning pushes it. Refrigeration uses coolant and air conditioning uses air of external conditions.
So, friends, that is a detailed post about Difference Between Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. If you have any further query ask in the comments. Thanks for reading. Have a nice day