Hello, readers welcome to the new post. In this post, we will learn Introduction to 2N4400 NPN Transistor. The transistor is an electron device that is used in several projects to work as an amplifier and switch. It has to further types NPN and PNP transistor.
Here we discuss 2N4400 NPN transistors. We will overview its pinout working, features, and some others parameters. So let get started.
Introduction to 2N4400 NPN Transistor
- It is NPN transistors that have a value of the voltage at collector and emitter about one hundred volts and IC value is one that appears.
- It is available in TO-92casing. Its power dissipation value is one watt and is used in switching circuits.
- Due to versatile operation used in different types of operation. It is used in DC to dc converts and power amplifiers circuits.
- Due to its less cost and easy to handle features used in switching circuits.
- When a voltage source is linked to it then the current aboutCE is 0.6 ampers and this condition called saturation.
- As you know a transistor is a current controlling module so a small amount of current operates it.
- For this NPN transistor current at the base is about fifty milliamperes. As the configuration of 2N4400 is NPN so it will be in states when the bases terminal is linked to the ground and positive volts is given at base will become off.
Pinout of 2N4400
- Base: It works as a control like in tapping
- EMitter: current moves from this terminal to the collector.
- COllector: Current comes in this part from an emitter
2N4400 Features
- The main features of this device are listed here with the details.
- Packaging: To_92
- The operating value of temperature is one fifty centigrade
- The value of input impedance is 7.5 kilo.
- The value of collector dissipation is thirty picofarad
- Its transition frequency is two hundred.
- The value of collector dissipation is six twenty-five
- IB is fifty milliamperes
- Gain is one fifty
- Volt about emitter and base is six volts.
- volts about collector base is sixty volts.
Applications of 2N4400 Transistor
- Its main features are listed here
- Used in amplifiers circuits
- used as an audio amplifier
- lighting circuits used this module
- Work in microphone as amplifiers.
That is all about the 2N4400 transistor if you have any further query ask in the comments. Thanks for reading have a good day see you in the next post.