Hi students welcome to the new post. In this post, we will learn Difference Between PLC and DCS. Generally, there is two main types of control process used in industries that are PLC and DCS. As their name are different but they have some features in common. PLC operates as central control device and regulates machines in the industry.
While DCS is a hub that is used to control different systems linked to it. In this post, we cover the basics of these two systems with the details and do their comparison with the details. So let get started Difference Between PLC and DCS.
Difference Between PLC and DCS
Introduction to PLC
- Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) is a new development for our industries. After its creation, our working in industries and controlling different devices has become much easier.
- It was intended for numerous input and output arrangements, higher temperature ranges, resistance to electrical sound, and opposition to pulsation and its effect.
- A PLC is like an actual system because the output of any process that is under the control of a PLC depends on the inputs.
- From this, we can say that plc is generally a digital computer that is built for controlling the machine.
- Different from our personal computer it is prepared according to industry working situations and it consists of special inputs and outputs and its special programming language.
- At its creation time, it was considered the replacement of relay but due to many functional capabilities, it started working in numerous complicated industrial submissions.
- As its construction is the same as the computer, it can work not only for relay switching but also perform many applications like time calculation, counting, comparison, and processing of different analog signals.
- Programs for the controller and process of industrial apparatus and equipment are typically stored in battery-supported or non-volatile storage
Introduction to DCS
- The DCS stands for a distributed control system that is a computer-based controlling system used to regulate the different processes in industries.
- There are different control systems are linked to this network and there is no central point to regulate all components.
- This system decreases the installation prices and has high reliability since helps to make regulations of processes existing at local and distant.
- Some similarities exist between SCADA and DCS but with some differences that DCS employs at a larger level.
- The main components of the DCS system are the engineering team, operating room, local controller, and medium for communication.
- It is mostly employed at large-level controlling systems or plants where different processes are occurring at the same time.
- This system offers such benefits that if any component is faulted then another part of the system continues to operate.
- Its scanning time is a hundred to five hundred milliseconds.
- If fault occurs can be removed easily than the PLC.
- Due to the complicated system is costly.
- The first time was used in 1975
What is the difference between DCS and SCADA?
- DCS is process-oriented module since it focuses on processes for every step of function. SCADA, or work on the acquisition and collection of data for the reference of personnel who come with keeping a record of functions.
What is the difference between a DCS and PLC?
- the basic difference between PLC and DCS is that PLC made for replacing relay-based control and analog instruments, control single machines
- DCS is used for controlling complete plants, buildings or processes that are connected
How do DCS work?
- Distributed control systems operated on the local network connection of different control components with servers and operating stations come with a control system design distributed about the plant offering control, high efficiency, and processing quality.
What is the scan time of PLC vs DCS?
- PLC comes with controller controller used in RTU and DS comes with a centralized controller since it is distributed over a larger system. The scan time is about ten milliseconds and in some conditions less. Scan time is high and about 100-150 milliseconds.
What are the two types of DCS?
- Many DCS types are made for certain applications and uses. Some common types are Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.
- SCADA systems are used for industries like power production systems, oil, and gas water treatment
What is the basic difference between SCADA and DCS?
- SCADA and DCS system are used for industrial automation and controlling and made for different designs. SCADA systems are used for monitoring and control of single sites, and DCS are made for complicated process about many sites.
That is all about the Difference Between PLC and DCS. If you have any further query ask in the comments. Thanks for reading have a nice day.