Hello, readers welcome to the new tutorial. In this post, we will discuss Basic LED Flasher Circuit. LED flasher is integrated circuits based on semiconductors that are used for on and off more than one LEDs light according to requirements and given pattern of programming. These flasher circuits are used in circuits of indicators and controllers with different electronic-based projects.
LED flashers are created in form of a complete module that comes with plugs and extenders to attach to the circuit. Some type of LED flashers is created in form of integrated circuits that needed an extra power supply for operation. The circuit we are going to create for the led flasher is through the use of a 2N3094 transistor. That has NPN configuration. The board used for proper assembly of flasher circuits can be gotten from different PCB suppliers. Numerous PCB suppliers are working but the finest option for electronic-based projects is PCBWAY. PCBWAY is china based PCB supplier that offers the best services in engineering and electronic-based devices and projects. They help their users to get high-quality products from them and make PCB-based electronic projects accurately and at affordable prices. They also have features to share your ideas and projects to all over the world through their project submission community. There are two ways that can be used for project sharing
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Introduction to 2N3094 NPN Transistor
- Th2 2N3904 is a type of NPN transistor so its collector and emitter will be open in case of reverse biased configuration for this transistor and base pinout is linked to the ground point and for forward biased will be closed is signal is given to base
- The value of gain for this transistor is three hundred which defines the amplification strength of this transistor
- The highest quantity of current that can pass through the collector of this transistor is about two hundred milliamps. So must avoid connecting load more than two hundred milliampere
- For biassing of this transistor current of five milliamperes is given to the base pin
- In case of full biasing, this component has the ability to permit two hundred milliamperes currents about collector and emitter in case of saturated region
- Motorola company manufactured this transistor which is considered as a famous company. The packaging of this model is TO-92
2N3904 NPN Transistor Pinout
- There are three main pinouts it has’
- EMitter: Current comes out from this point
- Base: Work as a control for components like tap
- Collector Larger than the other two parts and get the supply
Parameters | Values | Unit |
VBC | 60 | V |
VEC | 40 | V |
VEB | 6 | V |
IC | 200 | mA |
Total Dissipation | 625 | mA |
Storage Temperature | -65 to 150 | C |
Maximum Temperature junction | 150 | C |
2N3094 Applications
- Common applications are listed here
- Used for signal amplifiers
- Used in LED tv
- It is part of the Darlington pair
- It is a commonly used amplifier
Basic LED Flasher Circuit using 2N3094
Project Component
- The component used for this project are listed here
- LED: Working as a display of circuit
- 2N3904: It is NPN configured transistor and operates as a switch
- Resistances
- Capacitors: Capacitor used to remove the ripples
- Variable Resistance: It varies the resistance of the circuit to change the flasher intensity
LED Flasher Working
- The main component of this circuit is the 2n3904 transistor that is NPN configured and the transistor is used as a switch and amplifier. In this circuit, we made a very basic led flasher circuit to get a details understanding of the LED flash processes in different devices and circuits. In circuitry, there is one transistor used that operates as a switch the signal is given to the base of the transistor through the second LED that is operating on seld flashing bases.
- The flash rate of this circuit can be adjusted through the use of a variable resistance value of this resistance is about one kiloohm. This circuit is operating on the six-volt dc supply provided by the battery
LED Flasher Features
- Some features of LED flasher are discussed here
- The rate through flasher on and off led express in flashes per minute called flash rate
- The number of LEd exists in one flasher called head capacity. The number of LED flashers depends on the multiple head capacity and the number of channels
- The higest rane of laod current is meaure in ampere
- Voltage rating defines the highest input volts given the flasher
- For the protection of reverse polarity when the positive and negative terminal is not configured accurately a protection circuit
- Its main feature is that it operates without creating noise
- It has a surge circuit to protect the circuit from surge current also its body is waterproofed
LED Flasher Applications
- The main applications of LED flasher are discussed here
- It used for DIY projects
- Operate in controller circuits
- used different indicators like water and volume level indicator
- This flasher helps different LEDs to flash in series connection
That is all about the Basic LED Flasher all details for flasher circuits are explained if you have any queries ask below.