Hello, readers welcome to the new post. In this post, we will discuss Main Data Types Used in LABVIEW. Data types is the different category of variables and data used in labview to perform different functions. You must also have familiar with these terms while using other programming languages that are also employed same for the LABVIEW.
Different types of data used in the LABVIEW that perform certain functions like Array, Numeric data, Cluster Boolean all these types of data perform certain tasks. So let get started to learn about the data types used.
Boolean Data types in Labview
- This software has the ability to store the data up to eight bits and helps to find the zero, one or true false conditions.
- If the value given has zero the Boolean is false. Other than zero denotes the true states.
- It helps to denote digital data types and it is used in condition states to eliminate while loop.
- Boolean data is shown in green color.
- To use the Boolean move to the front panel press right and then you will see the Boolean option and here can see different types of the Boolean tabs that you can use.
String Data Type in LABVIEW
- The string is used to show different characters of ASCII in sequence. It used to work on data and different types of information
- It helps to write messages in form of text.
- It helps to regulate the different devices through sending the commands to components and get the data in results that is in form of numbers converting from the ASCII.
- It also helps to store data.
- To use a string in Labview move to the front panel then press right and in control can see string where you can use different types of string options.
Numeric Data In LABVIEW
- In LabVIEW numeric data is used to define integers, unsigned integers, complicated numbers.
- Single with the double-precision and representation of complex numeric data is displayed.
- For use of Numeric data move to the front panel press right and will see the numeric option and move there wll be large numbers of numeric data can see all are in blue color.
Arrays in LABVIEW
- The array used to make a group of different types of data. Array helps to do grouping data of similar categories in a single structure.
- There is elements and dimensions are used in the array. Elements are used to make an array and are components of data.
- While is dimension is the length of the array, the highest of the array.
- More than one as well one dimension array has.
- Cluster, string, path boolean types of the array can be constructed. The array is the best option to store data from get from the loops.
That is all about the Main Data Types Used in LABVIEW. I have explained the commonly used data types in LabVIEW if you still have any further query ask in the comments. Thanks for reading have a good day see you in next tutorial.