Hello friends I hope you all are doing great. In this tutorial, we will discuss Fundamental Concepts of Programming. Every type of programming comprises of specifying instructions that fed to the processor to perform certain operations. The group of programming language instructions is parted in the basic instruction categories.
Different tools are used by programmers like flowcharts and pseudocode to determine the task and structure of the completed program. So let’s get started with Discuss Fundamental Concepts of Programming.
Programming Languages and Instructions
- The instruction over which computers can processing the results obtained called programming language.
- Microprocessors use module specified instruction sets that comprise of all binary machine language instructions which the microprocessor hardware can decode easily and execute them.
- In assembly languages, English such as mnemonics, MOV, and JM are used for the replacement of groups of zeros and ones which create machine language instructions.
- Mnemonics are easy for humans to understands than machine language but still operating with the hardware of the processor.
- Programs knew assemblers transform assembly language in machine language. Assemblers that are also programmers to use programming specifications which are programming.
- Programmers generally use assembly or machine language when the program needs compact and efficient coding.
- Numerous programming uses high-level general-purpose programming languages that can be easily understood by people and use than machine language.
- Every high-level language instruction can denote numerous machine language instructions.
- There are numerous general-purpose programming languages like C++ which programmers can use to create applications for numerous platforms.
- There are numerous proprietary programming languages which create by developers for their personal use devices.
- The benefit of proprietary language is that they just access the specification for device. The drawback is that programmers should learn new language when they operate new created devices.
- With the presence of numerous programming languages, all programming language comprises of certain categories of instructions.
- The main 5 categories of instruction are discussed here.
Simple instructions
- Such instruction does the basic operations like addition of 2 numbers.
COnditional instruction
- Such instructions perform certain categories of tasks like either number is 0 to find how execution must process.
Looping instructions
- Such instructions permit a group of instructions in the program to perform more than one.
Branching instructions.
- Such instructions vary the series of program executing.
Exception instructions
- this category of instructions used when undesired conditions exist during the operation of program. These issues can produce due to hardware and software.
What is Flowcharts
- The flowchart uses special types of shapes block symbolic representation to graphically denotes every operation the type of every task and how every task has a connection with other tasks in the program.
- The below figure indicates some common flowcharts symbolic representation.
- The figure shown in the below figure provides an example flowchart to find the resistance for voltage and current.
- You can see in the flowchart the program start and input voltage and current are given.
- It finds that current value is zero. If current is zero it assing an infinity value to resistance.
- If the value of curent is not zero the program finds the value of resistance with the use of Ohms law.
- In the case of small types of programs, the flowcharts are comparatively easy to discuss since they graphically denote the flow of process.
- Though flowcharts for larger programs can be very high such large flowcharts are types of hierarchical types.
- This type of structure firslt denotes the program having a small number of general operations.
- Such tasks is then parted in the small units which denote small numbers of still general but certai operations.
- This process continues till it break the program in certain manageable operation which programmer can use to for writing of code.
- Thepotetnail drawback of the flowchart is that process flow is not always finest method to denotes programs.
- In come circumstances how parts of program show interaction is very significant.
- This is generally the situation with subject-oriented programming where programming known as interact with one another to create some purpose.
What is Pseudocode
- The Pseudocode is like the actual programming with the difference that pseudocode use general descriptions than certain isntructions.
- The pseudocode for the flowchart is shown in below figure.
- The pseudocode has a hierarchical structure. The pseudocode for larger program comprises of comparatively less numbers of still generic but more certain specifications.
- This process continues till pseudocode is certain for programmers to write coding for implementing the process.
- The benefit of pseudocode is that code which offers a high levle structure that offers a good view of the final program structure.
- It assists viewers to define and correct potential mistakes before the program is written potentially decreasing time to offer the program.
- Since pseudocode is text-based can generally write down and can be modified easily than flowchart can create and modify.
- Pseudocode also incorporated in the header for final program source coding.
Disadvantage of Pseudocode
- The drawback of pseudocode is that net procedure flow of the program is difficult than the flowchart.
- Another drawback is that variation to the final code only needs variation to pseudocode that denotes program coding and real program coding that comprise certain instructions on which computer is to apply.
That is a detailed post about Fundamental Concepts of Programming if you have any further queries ask in the comments. Thanks for reading. Have a nice day.
Hello friends I hope you all are doing great. In this tutorial, we will discuss Fundamental Concepts of Programming. Every type of programming comprises of specifying instruction that fed to the processor to perform certain operations. The group of programming language instructions is parted in the basic instruction categories.
Different tools are used by programmers like flowcharts and pseudocode to determine the task and structure of the completed program. So let’s get started with Discuss Fundamental Concepts of Programming.
Programming Languages and Instructions
- The instruction over which computers can processing the results obtained called programming language.
- Microprocessors use module specified instruction sets that comprise of all binary machine language instructions which the microprocessor hardware can decode easily and execute them.
- In assembly languages, English such as mnemonics, MOV, and JM are used for the replacement of groups of zeros and ones which create machine language instructions.
- Mnemonics are easy for humans to understands than machine language but still operating with the hardware of the processor.
- Programs knew assemblers transform assembly language in the machine language. Assemblers that are also programmers to use programming specifications which are programming.
- Programmers generally use assembly or machine language when the program needs compact and efficient coding.
- Numerous programming uses high-level general-purpose programming languages that can be easily understood by people and use than machine language.
- Every high-level language instruction can denote numerous machine language instructions.
- There are numerous general-purpose programming languages like C++ which programmers can use to create applications for numerous platforms.
- There are numerous proprietary programming languages which create by developers for their personal use devices.
- The benefit of proprietary language is that they just access the specification for device. The drawback is that programmers should learn new language when they operate new created devices.
- With the presence of numerous programming languages, all programming language comprises of certain categories of instructions.
- The main 5 categories of instruction are discussed here.
Simple instructions
- Such instruction does the basic operations like addition of 2 numbers.
COnditional instruction
- Such instructions perform certain categories of tasks like either number is 0 to find how execution must process.
Looping instructions
- Such instructions permit a group of instructions in the program to perform more than one.
Branching instructions.
- Such instructions vary the series of program executing.
Exception instructions
- this category of instructions used when undesired conditions exist during the operation of program. These issues can produce due to hardware and software.
What is Flowcharts
- The flowchart uses special types of shapes block symbolic representation to graphically denotes every operation the type of every task and how every task has a connection with other tasks in the program.
- The below figure indicates some common flowcharts symbolic representation.
- The figure shown in the below figure provides an example flowchart to find the resistance for voltage and current.
- You can see in the flowchart the program start and input voltage and current are given.
- It finds that current value is zero. If current is zero it assing an infinity value to resistance.
- If the value of curent is not zero the program finds the value of resistance with the use of Ohms law.
- In the case of small types of programs, the flowcharts are comparatively easy to discuss since they graphically denote the flow of process.
- Though flowcharts for larger programs can be very high such large flowcharts are types of hierarchical types.
- This type of structure firslt denotes the program having a small number of general operations.
- Such tasks is then parted in the small units which denote small numbers of still general but certai operations.
- This process continues till it break the program in certain manageable operation which programmer can use to for writing of code.
- Thepotetnail drawback of the flowchart is that process flow is not always finest method to denotes programs.
- In come circumstances how parts of program show interaction is very significant.
- This is generally the situation with subject-oriented programming where programming known as interact with one another to create some purpose.
What is Pseudocode
- The Pseudocode is like the actual programming with the difference that pseudocode use general descriptions than certain isntructions.
- The pseudocode for the flowchart is shown in below figure.
- The pseudocode has a hierarchical structure. The pseudocode for larger program comprises of comparatively less numbers of still generic but more certain specifications.
- This process continues till pseudocode is certain for programmers to write coding for implementing the process.
- The benefit of pseudocode is that code which offers a high levle structure that offers a good view of the final program structure.
- It assists viewers to define and correct potential mistakes before the program is written potentially decreasing time to offer the program.
- Since pseudocode is text-based can generally write down and can be modified easily than flowchart can create and modify.
- Pseudocode also incorporated in the header for final program source coding.
Disadvantage of Pseudocode
- The drawback of pseudocode is that net procedure flow of the program is difficult than the flowchart.
- Another drawback is that variation to the final code only needs variation to pseudocode that denotes program coding and real program coding that comprise certain instructions on which computer is to apply.
That is a detailed post about Fundamental Concepts of Programming if you have any further queries ask in the comments. Thanks for reading. Have a nice day.