Hello, readers welcome to the new post we will discuss Introduction to PCBA. PCB is the electronic circuit board that is an integral component of electronic engineering. That is used in each and every electronic-based circuit and device. Like from our mobile phones to very larger circuits consisting of PCB board. PCB board has layers of copper that come with different types of component symbolic representation where components are soldered to make the projects.
When components are soldered on the PCB board are certain places to make the complete design configuration the resultant board is called PCBA. There are many PCBA services providers working in the world but with great expertise and quality, machines is one and only JLCPCB. JLCPCB is china based online PCB services provider and manufacturer.cJLCPCB gives their customers PCBA and SMT services in very reasonable prices and high-quality products. For getting the services of PCBA visit their site and send details of your products their team will contact you and will give you further details.
JLCPCB offers the best services at good prices with high-quality results. They come with a library of eighty thousand components. All these components can be obtained at reasonable prices with great results. Components placed in the library are stored by the company and are not affected by other price fluctuations in the market. Try their cloud platform for faster and smoother hardware production. So let’s get started with Introduction to PCBA.
Introduction to PCBA
- The PCB board comprises different materials such as heat resistant and non-insulated. For making the cool complete structure of the board there is the substrate used.
- Conducive layers, such as copper, exist at the top board and send the signal to other parts of the board.
- The substrate is created with the use of different materials and its purpose is to decrease the heat through dissipation.
- The board is incomplete if no component of projects is connected to the board.
- PCBA is the result of components’ connections on the board. Different types of components, such as active and passive, are used for PCBs, which are listed here.
- Transistor
- Diode
- Integrated circuits
- Capacitors
- These components are assembled on the board surface to make the design of the completed project. That resultant board is PCBA.
- There are two types of components used on the board SMD and THrough hole component
- SMD components are denoted as the surface mount modules. There is the use of surface mount technology for the assembly of these components on the board.
- In-house SMT components are manufactured in the JLCPCB fabrication house.
- All boards are manufactured and assembled in JLCPCB, ensuring consistency and quality with everything we build.
- JLCPCB has a service of automated solder paste after that do the solder paste inspection.
- Setup fee: $8.00
- Stencil: $1.50
- SMT Assembly: $0.0017 per joint
- Hand-soldering labor fee: $3.5
- Manual Assembly: $0.0173 per joint
- Through holes, components have leads in their structure. That pin is placed in the board to connect them.
- There are two techniques used for PCBA. Commonly used is wave soldering. That is used for through-hole component assembly.
- For SMD components reflow soldering technique is used and in some cases mix technology is used
- JLCPCB is a high-level expert for PCB manufacturing that also offers PCBA services with easily installing and connecting the electronic components through SMT and Through hole techniques on the board.
- All stages of PCBA assembly like solder paste application and SMT to reflow also optical inspection is done through high level of experts and machines to make sure the high-quality finishing
- The use of JLCPCB services will disappoint you since you will enjoy fulfilling electronic demands.
- If you are searching a high-quality and reasonable PCBA service provider must visit JLCPCB
Difference Between the PCBA and PCB
- In the field of electronic engineering and for the creation of electronic-based projects there must be knowledge of PCB and PCBA
- The PCB board is just a simple board that has insulated material and substrate and no component on the board. The metallic layer is placed on the upper portion of the dielectric material.
- While PCBA is created through making component installation on the board. different components of projects created on the board complete PCBA.
- There are different types of PCB boards on the basis of substrate materials used. The commonly used substrate material is ceramic and Fr4. Common types of PCB are rigid, flexible, and double-sided
- Some manufacturers come with both PCB and PCBA features but JLCPCB is equipped with these two in the same place
PCBA Mounting Technology
- There are two main types of mounting methods used for PCBA creation
- SMT and Through-hole
- In the case of SMT small size components like resistance diodes are connected on the board. The resulting assembly is called SMD and products are called surface mounts. SMT technique is used for small-size devices such as integrated circuits
- Through holes technology used for components that have pinout sand placed on the boards through passing there leads to the holes and then soldered. This method is used for larger components such as capacitors etc
PCBA Manufacturing Process
- Some steps are involved for PCBA discussed here
- In the first step, solder paste is applied on the board that is thinner and stainless substances. It is applied to that location where components have to connect.
- After the solder paste application pick and place machine is used to place the component on the board,
- When components are placed in the required position to retain their reflow soldering is done that hardens the solder paste to hold the component in that required position
- When reflow soldering is done board passes through the inspection of quality where board functions are measured
- At last final inspection is done to find the error existing in the board
That is all about the PCBA all details has explained and also the best PCBA service providers JLCPCB has to recommend to you that will help you to get high-quality services. Read our More Engineering Blogs