Errors on the 2004 Wisconsin State Quarter
There is one error in the state of Wisconsin, but it can exist in two types. Error is related to leaves on corn stalks.
On the left side of the stalk, there is one leaf that is straight up and one leaf that is falling down.
In two variations, there is an extra high leaf and an extra low leaf.
For extra high leaf, there are 3 total leaves on stalks. The extra leaf touches the lower of the drooping stalk.
On the extra low lead, there are 3 total leaves and an extra leaf touch of cheese. These two types exist on Denver mint-marked coins.
There were 226,800,000 coins made at D mint in 2004, and this comes with this error. Based on the quality of the strike and types, their value range is $50 to $100.
Some coins that are in good shape can be of high value. To find variation in value, check the condition of the coin. The average condition state quarter is about 0.25 dollars face value.
Varieties on the 2004 Wisconsin State Quarter
This coin is made by John Flanagan and Alfred Maletsky and was made in silver type as proof sets.
There were about 1,769,786 silver coins made. They come with 90% silver and 10% copper. The average cost of a single silver coin is about five to ten dollars based on grade.
It is an easy indication to find if the coin is silver through the mint marks.
Silver quarters come with S mint marks as compared to P or D.
Wisconsin quarter extra leaf
Some Wisconsin quarter errors come with extra cornstalk lead, either low-leaf or high-leaf. The 2004 Wisconsin quarter having extra low lead sold for $6,000 in January 2020.
The quarter with a low lead sold for $6,000 in January 2020, and the 2004 Wisconsin quarter of extra “high leaf” sold for $2,530 in July 2006.
These two coins were made at D mint and both are considered as the highest 2004 Wisconsin quarter sold.
The P mint regular strike 2004 quarter sold for $1,495. The current value of the “regular strike” Denver counterpart is $699.
Wisconsin state quarters
In 2004 Wisconsin coins were made as an honor for the 29th state to join the union of the US in 1848. The back side of coins comes with a cow on the left side and an ear of corn half hidden behind the wheel of cheese on the right side. The banner with FORWARD flanks the bottom of the coin. This design was made by Wisconsin resident Rose Marty.
How to check if your Wisconsin quarter has the ‘up leaf’ or ‘down leaf’ flaw
- The down lead type has extra lead that moves horizontally upward.
- The up-lead type looks like a simple connection; the first lead makes it look like two.
How the Wisconsin quarter error occurred
The error is the result of the lunch break related to D mint. The operator stopped the machine after finding the error and left for a lunch break. When returned, he saw the machine running and supposed someone changed the die.
After some time he noted that error coins mingled with coins that did not have errors. There are more than five million coins made at D Mint. These coins are part of the 50 State Quarters Program, where the mint rolled out state-themed coins between 1999 and 2008.
2004-D Extra Leaf Wisconsin State Quarter Coin Values
There are about 2000 Extra Leaf low and 3000 Extra Leaf high types of coins made for circulation. Mostly used for distribution in banks of southern Arizona and western Texas.
Coins with different grades have a value of
2004-D Wisconsin State Quarter – Regular Issue comes with face value for circulated condition and 0.75 dollars for uncirculated
2004-D Wisconsin State Quarter, Extra Leaf High coin has a value of about 50 dollars for circulated condition and 130 dollars for uncirculated.
2004-D Wisconsin State Quarter, Extra Leaf Low is 30 dollars for circulated condition and 100 dollars for uncirculated condition.
2005-P Minnesota Doubled Die Quarter
2004 Wisconsin State Quarter Error
The reason for this error is not clear. But some experts have suggestions. It is thought that the rising close to the ear of corn was due to curved metal shaving that, by mistake, shifted in the coin die pounded in the die also through the coin striking process, and there is a gouge on the die. Other coins that were struck with this die also have these errors as well.
2004 P Wisconsin State Quarter Error
The Wisconsin State Quarter has come with an extra leaf error. The corn ear on the back side of the coin comes with variants that have another leaf at the lower part of the corn.
What are the errors in the 2004 Wisconsin quarter?
The design of the 30th statehood quarter comes with a cow, a round of cheese, and corn ears. Some common Wisconsin quarter errors are “extra cornstalk leaf,” either pointing down (“Low Leaf”) or pointing up (“High Leaf”).
How much is a 2004 Wisconsin Extra Leaf quarter worth?
N circled condition its value will be $50 to $110.
What Wisconsin quarter is worth $6000?
How many Wisconsin error quarters are there?
There are 2 types of Wisconsin error quarters: the Extra Leaf Wisconsin quarter and the low-leaf variety.
What quarters are worth over $200?
2000 George Washington Quarter sold for more than $200 value
How much is a 2004 Wisconsin quarter worth?
It is based on the type of quarter condition. The Wisconsin state quarter made in 2004 can have a value of about thirty dollars or higher. Mostly, 200 Wisconsin quarters have a face value of about twenty-five cents.
What Wisconsin quarter is worth $1000?
The 2004 Wisconsin state quarter value for MS68 grade is more than 2000 dollars, and for high or low leaf value, it is more than $1,000 each.
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What is the defect in the Wisconsin quarter?
- Wisconsin quarter error comes with extra cornstalk lead, either in Low leaf or high leaf.
How much is a Wisconsin error quarter worth?
- The 2004 Wisconsin quarter with extra low lead sold for 6000 dollars in 2020.
Is a 2004 Wisconsin quarter worth $2000?
- it is based on condition and type of quarter. if the Wisconsin state quarter is made in 2004, it can be of about 30 dollars or higher. Mostly 2004 Wisconsin quarters are 25 cents.
What is the error on the Wisconsin coins in 2004?
- In 2004 many coins of the state quarters series were made with misprints on the design of Wisconsin coins. These coins come with an extra leaf on the left side of the corn cob of the coin. it is high value and sold for several hundred dollars.
How much is the error on the 2004 Wisconsin quarter worth?
- There is some quarter of 2004 can be of 2000 dollars. Wisconsin state quarters come with limited edition designs that are high value if there is a difference in design, according to collectors.
What makes a 2004 Wisconsin quarter rare?
In 2004 several coins of state quarter series made with misprint on design of Wisconsin coins. These coins comes with extra leaf on left side of corn cob on the coin.
How much is the 2004 Wisconsin quarter error worth?
There were 226,800,000 coins at D mint and these coins are added in mintage quantity. based on quality of strike and type, they can be of $50 to $100.
What does the rare Wisconsin quarter look like?
It comes with cow, wheel of cheese, ear of corn and state’s motto, “Forward.” Some type of quarter comes with ear of corn is different sprouting an extra leaf on the left side.
How much is a 2004 Wisconsin quarter with extra leaf?
High extra lead on corn hold on the coins, since small lead is not there. The extra leaf high coin in good condition comes with value of $2,530. Circulated coins can be of 50 dollars and uncirculated coins is 130 dollars
Is a 2004 Wisconsin quarter worth $2000?
Yes, a 2004 Wisconsin quarter having extra leaf is $2000 in good condition. Value can be different based on condtion and coin dmand
What is the most expensive error quarter?
- 2005-P Minnesota Quarter with Extra Tree Mint Error
- 1965 SMS Washington Quarter Broadstruck.
- 2004-D Wisconsin State Quarter Error Coin with Extra High Leaf.
- 2004-D Wisconsin Mint Mark Quarter with Extra Low Leaf.
Which quarter is worth $35000?
1970 Quarters Are Worth $35,000
What makes the Wisconsin quarter valuable?
Mostly 2004 Wisconsin quarter are of face value, 25 cents. Some c comes with error that are of high value.Quarters from series of cow, wheel of cheese and ear of corn on back are high value
How many leaves are on a 2004 Wisconsin quarter?
normal quarter just one leaf extended from left side of corn husk. There are two types of error, down leaf where extra lead moves horizontally upward.
How many quarters were made in 2004 Wisconsin?
More thatn 450 million wisconsin quarter made for circulation
What quarters have errors?
- 2004-D Wisconsin Quarter (Extra Leaf) Wisconsin Quarter design, with “High Leaf” and “Low Leaf” errors below
- 2005-P Minnesota Doubled Die Quarter (Extra Tree)
- 2005-P Kansas Filled Die Quarter (“IN GOD WE RUST”) .
- 2006-P Nevada Clipped Planchet Quarter.
What are the rarest quarters?
- 1999-P Connecticut Broadstruck Quarter.
- 2004-D Wisconsin Extra Leaf Low and High Quarters.
- 2005-P Minnesota Doubled Die Quarter.
- 2005-P Kansas “In God We Rust” Quarter.
- 2008-D Oklahoma Quarter with Extra Cactus Leaves.
Is there a list of error coins?
Labels used for identify certain type of errors can defines reason of error (die crack, rotated die, clipped planchet), the look of coins (wavy steps, trails, missing element) or other factors (mule, cud, brockage).
Why is the 2004 quarter so valuable?
The 2004 Wisconsin quarter is valuable since the rare error coin with an extra leaf.
Is a 2000 quarter rare?
The rare coins are of high value. The rare 200 Geroge Washingtonw quarter sold for more than 200 dollars. This quarter is belongs to Washington State quarters series, which ran from 1999 to 2008
What quarter is worth $10 000?
The 1999 Gerogia quarter error is about 10000 dollars and only one of 5 types of errors can seen on Georgia state quarters.
What Wisconsin quarter is worth $6000?
The 2004 D Wisconsin quarter with an additonal leaf is $6000
Which quarter is worth $200?
rare 2000 George Washington quarter sold for more than $200.
What coin is worth over $1000000?
1911 Canadian Silver Dollar
What quarter is worth $25,000?
1936 Silver Washington Quarter, MS68 grade is $25,000
What quarters from 2000 are worth money?
- Massachusetts 2000-P (Philadelphia mint) MS69= $3,760.
- Maryland 2000-P MS65= $1,495.
- South Carolina 2000-P MS6= $3,525.
- New Hampshire 2000-D (Denver mint) MS68=$633.
- Virginia 2000-P MS68= $400.
What states have a 2004 quarter?
Michigan, Florida, Texas, Iowa, and Wisconsin are the five state quarters made in 2004 by the 50-state program.
Which quarters are silver?
Silver quarter made from 1796 to 1964. So if there is a standard U.S. Quarter with a mint date of these years, it’s pure silver.
Get more info about coins:
Hello readers, welcome to the new post. In this post, we will learn the 2004 Wisconsin Quarter Error Value. In 2004 many coins of the state quarter series were made with misprints on the design of the Wisconsin coin. These coins come with extra lead on the left side of the corn cob on the coin. These coins are of high value and sell for a hundred dollars. Let’s discuss the details behind this unique coin and its value in today’s market. Let’s get started with the Wisconsin quarter error.
Table of Contents
Features of the 2004 Wisconsin Quarter
History: 2004 Wisconsin Quarter
In 2004 Wisconsin was honored with 29 state coins for joining the Union of the USA in 1848. The reverse coins come with a coin on the left side and an ear of corn hidden behind the wheel of cheese on the right side. The banner with the motto FORWARD flanks the lower part of the coin.