Hi friends welcome to the new post. We will discuss the Introduction to uc3842. It is fix frequency mode pulse width modulation controller. Its common applications are DC to dc conversion circuits and offline circuits.
In this post, we will cover different features pinout applications and block diagrams of this component. So let’s get started Introduction to uc3842
Introduction to uc3842
- The ucx84x group of components consists of control integrated circuits that offer features that make to use in DC to dc fixed frequency current mode circuits where needed fewer components
- The inner circuit of this module consists of an undervolted lockout offering a start-up current value of less than one milliamperes.
- With that, it also has logic to make sure latched operation PWM comparators for current limiting features.
- It has a totem pole output stage which is used for sink and source of larger value peak current.
- The output circuitry is good for operating the N channel MOSFETs is low in case of off-state
- The ucx84x series gives a different packaging temperature value highest duty cycle.
- The modules that have a high value of turn on and turn off hysteresis are the finest option for off-line power supply.
- The modules UC184x are operated on the minus fifty-five to one twenty-five centigrade.
uc3842 Pinout
- It comes in three packaging of pinout 8 pin, 16, and 20 pins. Here we will discuss eight-pin packaging
- Pin 1 It is an output pinout that gives less output impedance with the signal of one megahertz on the basis of differences among the set and current volts.
- Pin 2 is used to give input to the error amplifier of the circuit. VOlts differences is given here
- Pin 3 It is shunt resistant and used to observe the current in the circuitry and volts about it provided through feedback circuitry.
- Pin 4 It has an inner oscillator that can adjust through the use of external resistance and a capacitor linked
- Pin 5 is ground
- Pin 6 is the output
- Pin 7 is input supply
- The pin is a reference volts
uc3842 Features
- Its main features are explained here
- It has a high current Totem pole output
- Can assemble for DC to DC converter and offline
- Its input current is twenty-five milliamperes
- Its duty cycle is one hundred percent
- Its switching frequency is five kilohertz
- Its switching frequency is five kilohertz
- Operating volts are twelve volts to twenty-eight volts
uc3842 Operating Conditions
- Its operating conditions are explained here
uc3842 Absolute Maximum Ratings
uc3842 Applications
- Its main application is explained here
- It used as a load in machines
- Used in the battery circuit
- Used in power supply
- Used DC to DC converters
- Used in switch mode power supply
uc3842 Block Diagram
What is the function of UC3842?
- It is not only used for controlling switching frequency but also used as a timer for constant on-time or constant off-time controllers. Also, the signal of the oscillator can be used for producing constant-duty cycle control.
What is UC3843 explained?
- UC3842/UC3843/UC3844/UC3845 are fixed-frequency current mode pulse width modulator controllers. It is made for offline and DC-to-DC converters used with low-minimum external components.
What is the introduction of an IC voltage regulator?
- The voltage regulator is an IC that offers constant fixed output voltage irrespective of variation in load or input load.
What is the use of UC3845?
- It is a high-performance fixed-frequency current mode controller. It is made for offline and DC-to-DC converter uses.
What is the maximum voltage in UC3842?
- The highest UC2842 chip is 36 volts, and the minimum voltage value is 10 volts. If the input voltage is not enough, the chip will be locked. The working frequency of the chip is controlled through RC oscillation.
What is the difference between UC3845 and UC3844?
- The base difference is under-voltage lockout thresholds. The UC3488 is best for offline applications with UVLO thresholds of 16V (ON) and 10V (OFF), and the UC3845 comes with UVLO thresholds of 8.4V (ON) and 7.6V (OFF) employed for lower voltage applications.
What is the difference between UC3842 and UC3843?
- The best option is to use UC382 in place of UC3843. Normally recommended UC3843 for DC/DC converters having dedicated VCC voltage, and UC3842 comes with a larger gap between UVLO on and UVLO off, so it is best for off-line power supplies for VCC can changes.
That is all about the uc3842 all details has explained if you have any further queries ask in the comments.