What is a potentiometer - Construction, Types, Uses, Working Principle & Applications

What is a potentiometer – Construction, Types, Uses, Working Principle & Applications

Hello readers, welcome to the new post. In this post, we will learn what a entiometer is. The potentiometer is an electronic component used for measuring and controlling the resistance of the circuit. In this post we will learn different parameters about potentiometers, such as construction, types, uses, working principles, and applications. So let’s get…

Electrolytic Capacitor

Electrolytic Capacitor Symbol, Working, Types, Construction & Uses

What is the electrolytic capacitor symbol? Electrolytic capacitors are types of capacitors known as polarized capacitors that have an anode or positive plate created with the use of metal that makes an insulating oxide layer through an anodization process. The oxide layer works as the dielectric of the capacitor. Solid, liquid, or gel electrolytes cover the…
