Difference Between Computer and PLC plc computer

Difference Between Computer and PLC

Hello readers welcome to the new post. In this post, we will learn Difference Between Computer and PLC. The full form of a computer is a common operating machine purposely used for technological and educational research. Nowadays the computer has become very common for us from our houses to schools, colleges, universities, industries, shopping centers,…

What is Embedded System embedded system, embedded systems, what is embedded system, what is an embedded system, examples of embedded system, embedded systems examples

Embedded Systems: Future of Technology

Hello, readers welcome to the new post. In this post, we will discuss Embedded systems. Embedded systems are now the latest technology. The small chip in the smartwatch tracks heartbeat and sleeping configurations, self-driving cars get power through complicated structures of sensors and processors and many other embedded systems. So let’s get started. What is…
