Hello, friends welcome to the new post. In this post, we will have a detailed look at Introduction to MPSA18 NPN Transistor. The MPSA18 belongs to the transistor family of NPN which has the ability to perform a function at less noise and provides a high value of gain. The gain parameters for this module are from five hundred to fifteen hundred and the operating voltage is forty-five volts.
Here we will cover its working, features, operation, and other related parameters. So let’s get started with Introduction to MPSA18 NPN Low Noise Transistor.
Introduction to MPSA18 NPN Low Noise Transistor
- The MPSA18 is NPN transistor that has two prominent features first one is the high value of gain and the second one is less value of noise.
- That offers a high value of amplification with the reasonable value of the signal-to-noise ratio.
- The signal and noise that exist at the input terminal of amplifier circuits is get amplified so this transistor provides such amplifier that offers less value of noise and offers an S/N ratio.
- Due to these features this component employed in such an application where less power audio amplifier configuration needed.
- With these applications, this transistor also preferred for switching circuits.
- The load value of forty-five volts can be run through this device having a current of two hundred milliamperes.
- The switch on the base terminal of this device there is seven volts are needed.
MPSA18 NPN Low Noise Transistor Features
- The main features of this transistor are explained here with detail.
- It is NPN Transistor
- It offers the value of dc current gain from five hundred to fifteen hundred.
- There is less noise and high gain offered by this module.
- The value of the collector current is two millimeters.
- The value of collector to base voltage is forty-five volts.
- VEB volts for this device are seven volts.
- The value of transition frequency is one sixty megahertz.
- It is avaible in T0-92 pacakging.
- Value of VCE is forty-five volts.
MPSA18 Pinout
- The main pinout of this device are explained here.
- Collector: Through this terminal current moves to the transistor and it links with the load.
- Base: This terminal operates as a switch.
- emitter: Current comes out through this pin.
MPSA18 Applications
- The main applications of this device are explained here.
- It used in audio amplifier circuits.
- It operates as a switch.
- It used as less power amplifiers designing circuits.
- It operates as the output stage of amplifier circuits.
So that is a detailed post about MPSA18 i mentioned each and every parameter related to this post. if you have any further query ask in the comments. See you in the next post. Have a nice day.