Scientific Calculator using HTML, CSS and Js
/* Creating function in HTML for backspace operation */ function backspace(calc) { size = calc.display.value.length; calc.display.value = calc.display.value.substring(0, size-1); }
/* Creating function to calculate factorial of element */ function calculate(calc) {
/* Check if function include ! character then calculate factorial of number */ if(calc.display.value.includes("!")) {
size = calc.display.value.length; n = Number(calc.display.value.substring(0, size-1)); f = 1;
for(i = 2; i <= n; i++)
f = f*i;
calc.display.value = f;
/* If function include % character then calculate
the % of number */
else if(calc.display.value.includes("%")) {
size = calc.display.value.length;
n = Number(calc.display.value.substring(0, size-1));
calc.display.value = n/100;
/* Otherwise evaluate and execute output */
calc.display.value = eval(calc.display.value);