Hello, readers welcome to new post. Today we will discuss Mini Tesla Coil Circuit and Construction. The tesla coil is resonant transformer circuitry created by Nikola Tesla in 1891. It is employed to make high voltages low currents high-frequency ac currents. After the creation of this component, tesla performed different experiments using two, three, or more coils to make resonant electric circuits.
Tesla employed these coils in different devices such as lighting circuits, X-ray production, high frequency,, and other phenomena. Tesla coil circuits were used in spark radio transmitters used in wireless telegraphy before the 1920s and in medical devices like violet rays and electrotherapy. In this post, we will discuss the details of the Mini Tesla Circuit and practically create this circuit and learn about the internal operation. So let’s get started Mini Tesla Coil Circuit and Construction
Tesla Coil Operation
- The tesla coil is a radio frequency oscillator that operates an air core double-tuned resonant transformer to generate a voltage of high value having low current.
- The coil circuit uses a basic spark gap to excite oscillations in a tuned transformer. In some high-level designs, transistors or thyristors are used as a switch to operate resonant transformers with that vacuum tube, electronic oscillations are also used
- Tesla coil generates an output voltage value of fifty kilovolts to high-value volts. Its output ac current has low radio frequency normally fifty kilohertz and one megahertz
- Some oscillator-operated coils produce continuous ac and some tesla provides the pulses at the output
Mini tesla coil Circuit
- The mini coil circuitry is created through the use of simple and easily available components of electronics. There are CFL bulbs designed through the use of tesla coil that glows through getting input current
- There are two main parts of this circuitry first one is used for switching and the second one is a step-up winding configuration.
- In this circuit transistor NPN type of 2N2222A is used which is operating as switching and is connected with the primary winding attached to the v collector. This winding operates as a magnetic flux-inducing component that induces the flux in secondary winding
Circuit Components
- The components used in this circuit are listed here
- Resistors
- Switch
- NPN Transistor
- Wires
- Enamelled copper wire
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Construction and Working
- The construction of this circuit is very easy in the below figure you can see that there Is nine volts battery used in this circuitry connected with a battery to one side and another side to LED. Three turns the first coil is configured with the transistor NPN type that works as a switch providing the current to coil one from the battery and there is flux induced in the coil that interacts with the second winding that has more turns than the first one so high voltage will be obtained on the output than input volts. Through varying the value of the second widning we can get the high-value volts and it makes like the step-up transformer.
Tesla Coil advantages
- The main advantages of tesla coil are discussed here
- It used in three-phase rectifier circuits to share power with different output connections
- Its creation has less hazard since created through small voltage use
- Uniform voltage flows about the windings
Tesla Coil Applications
- It used in remote-control systems
- mobiles phones have this module
- The computer uses this coil
- X-ray machines have this component
- fluorescent light uses these elements
That is all about the Mini Tesla Circuit and Construction all details has explained if you have any queries ask here. Further also visit the PCBWAY for different services also join their project community.