Hello, readers welcome to new post. Today we will cover the details of Introduction to TL072. Itis high volts junction field-effect transistor input operational amplifier that has less noise and high value of slew rate. It also has less value of input bias and offset current. It is dual operational amplifier that comes with 2 operational amplifiers
It is mostly preferred for high accuracy circuits due to less harmonic distortion and low noise. It is also preferred for circuits where audio pre-amplification is needed. here we will cover the details of its working operation and features. SO let’s get started Introduction to TL072.
Introduction to TL072
- The TL072 is a very commonly used operational amplifier that comes in dual in-line packaging also has eight pinouts.
- The inner circuit of this component has 2 operational amplifiers that can be worked through use of one or two power supplies.
- It also has single and quad subtypes that has one and four operational amplifiers are TL071 and TL074.
- These two components come with fourteen pinouts.
- Its input is connected to the JFET transistors which make sure less noise than the BJT.
- Its two operational amplifiers use less current and every operational amplifier uses 1.4 milliamperes current
- It is mostly used for applications where high level of accuracy is required than less noise and harmonic.
- The term audio pre-amplification indicates that use of the output audio has less noise signal also less interference distortion.
- Due to volts comparison of different operational amplifiers can be used as voltage comparator
TL072 Features
- Its main features are given here
- Its output current is ten milliamperes
- Less expensive component
- Its quiescent current value if about 1.4 milliamperes is 2.5 milliamperes
- It has less harmonic distortion
- Its volts range for operation is six volts to thirty-six volts
- It has 2 operational amplifiers
- Its slew rate is fast
- Not has latch-up
- JFET is connected at its input
- Uses less value of current
TL072 Pinout
- Its main pinout are discussed here
- Pin 1 is output of first operational amplifiers
- Pin 2 is inverting input for ist operational amplifier
- Pin 3 is non-inverting input of ist operational amplifier
- Pin 4 is ground
- Pin 5 is non-inverting input for second operational amplifier
- Pin 6 is inverting input for second operational amplifier
- Pin 7 is the output of 2nd operational amplifier
- Pin 8 is the positive supply
TL072 Applications
- Its main applications are discussed here
- It used in oscilloscopes
- Used in a circuit of UPS
- Used in solar panels
- Used in inverter circuits
- Used for audio preamplifier
That is all about the Introduction to TL072 all details has explained if you have any further query ask in the comments. See you in nextpost