Hello readers welcome to new post. Here we will discuss Introduction to SMT Machines. SMT is very commonly used technique for construction of PCB boards currently. It has been become very common in industries where different PCB based projects created. Through this technique components are assembled on the board very basic way and in different engineering projects.
In this post we will discuss different machines used for SMT services for assembly of different projects. So let get started.
Introduction to SMT Machines
- Different types of machines are used that are described here
SMT Pick and Place Machine
- Pick and place machine is very commonly used and also named as robotic machine.
- It mostly used in high speed operation highly accurate process and connection of different components such as capacitors inductor ICs.
- Different devices used in industries such as medical, automation, military, telecom are created with this technique.
- This category of machines is used for creation of flip chips.
- Placing modules is configuration of machine which consists certain programming modules to make PCB board.
- Different types of techniques operates colloboratly to pick and place the elements on the board.
- This types of modules generally used pneumatic suctions cups.
Solder Paste Screen Printer
- This type of machine is used for screening print solder paste on the board before connecting the SMD.
- The cost of this machines depends on the quantity of automation and area of board.
SMT Baking Oven
- This machines is used fo adhesive and baking solder paste. Different oven can be employed for these two features.
- With that infrared oven is also used for reflow soldering for this compulsory to have distinct adhesive and solder paste baking ovens.
- There is finest feature that solder paste baking, solder reflow and adhesive curing can be used in one machine according to quantity of boards manufacturing
How to get SMT Online
- There are different online SMT service providers there is one and only best SMT service provider is JLCPCB that is china based online PCB services providers and manufacturers.
- JLCPCB gives their customers smt services very reasonable prices and high quality products. For getting the services of SMT visit their site and send details of your products their team will contact you and will give you further details.
- There is all components equipped components library available in the SMT service of JLCPCB.
- In house SMT components are manufactured in the JLCPCB fabrication house.
- All boards are manufactured and assembled in JLCPCB, ensure consistency and quality with everything we build.
- JLCPCB has service of automated solder paste after that do the solder paste inspection.
- Setup fee: $8.00
- Stencil: $1.50
- SMT Assembly: $0.0017 per joint
- Hand-soldering labor fee: $3.5
- Manual Assembly: $0.0173 per joint
- Components cost: Based on the components you choose for assemblyThe PCB assembly price including:
- Their online quotes will show the exact assembly fee and components cost after you select the parts for assembly.
Reflow Soldering Machine
- A reflow soldering machine is use for the creation of SMD reflow soldering.
- This machine is considered as 2nd main instrument for SMT line than the pick and place.
- There are numerous soldering techniques used in SMT and every technique has different features on basis of instrument prices, and repair cost.
- Normally two types of reflow process are used in industries.
- Vapor phase and Infrared
- The vapor phase technique is very unique and helps for the creation of any physical structure,
- Different modules of phase exist in batch and in line categories.
- The infrared category is mostly preferred for hybrid industrial modules and for high temperatures,
- It is also employed for reflow soldering at glass epoxy substrates.
Solvent Cleaning Instruments
- SMT solvent cleaning instruments is used for clean up the circuitry board when soldering to eliminate extra solder material.
- For choosing the solvent and cleaning instruments relies on the category of flux employed and the need of cleanliness.
- PCBA cleaning procedure get certain requirements to remove the CFCs and other different chemicals.
- Different types of flux are used for PCB assembly that need certain residues for clean when SMT process is completed.
PCB Inspection Devices
- SMT maintenance devices uses conductive tips for the elimination of electronic elements. Conducting tools used for SMT are less expensive.
- Tips have different shapes and dimensions used for SMD and through-hole elements.
- Built in heating components with some more cost can be used such tips known as composite tips.
- Goot RX-802 is commonly used composite tip.
That is all about the details of machines used for SMT and their details has been explained. I also have explained how you can get the services related to SMT from JLCPCB that is best in allover world and offer different services at good rates.