Hello, readers welcome to new post. Today we will discuss Introduction to L298N Motor Driver. The motor driver is circuitry that is used to control the DC motor This motor driver circuit gets the low input volts from the controller and other embedded devices like Arduino. By using these volts motor driver control the direction of the dc motor.
There are different types of motor controllers used. In this post, we will discuss the L298N Motor Driver. So let’s get started L298N Motor Driver
Introduction to L298N Motor Driver
- The L298N motor driver is the high-power motor driver used to operate dc motors and stepper motors.
- This driver consists of an LM298 driver with a 78M05 five volts voltage regulator.
- This driver has the ability to control the speed and direction of two dc motors and four for other purposes.
- It is a fine option for robotic projects and is used for the connection of microcontrollers that need a couple of control lines in one motor.
- This motor driver can be configured with manual switches, TTL logic gates, relays, etc. This driver consists of LED indicators, with regulator and diodes for the protection of circuitry
L298N Motor Driver Features
- The main features are discussed here
- Its input voltage value is 3.2 volts to 40VDc
- It is an L298N Dual H Bridge DC Motor Driver board
- Its hugest current is two Amperes
- DC volts from the power supply are five to thirty-five volts
- The operating current is zero to thirty-six milliamperes
- It has power on LED indicator on board
- It comes with a heatsink to minimize the heat losses
- The logic voltage for this device is five volts
- The highest power is twenty-five watts
- Storage temperature is -25 ℃ to +130 ℃.
- Board dimensions are 3.4cm x 4.3cm x 2.7cm
L298N Module Pinout
- The main pinout of L298N is explained here
- IN1, IN2: these pins are input pins of motor A control the direction of this motor
- In3, IN4: Used for motor B direction control and its inputs
- ENA: Enable pin pulse width modulation for Motor A
- ENB: enable pin for motor B
- Out1, Out2: used for output of motor A
- Out3. out4: o/p pins of motor B
- 12V: It is 12 volts input pin that connected to DC supply
- 5V: It power to switch circuits
- GND: Ground pinout
L298N Motor Driver Working
- L298N Motor Driver works in H-bridge circuits which is a common technique used for speed control of dc motors.
- L298N has a dual H bridge configuration that is created and get the signal from TTL logic. These circuits can also be used to operate different types of inductive loads like motors, relays, etc
- The circuit configuration of the H-bridge can be seen here
- Here you can see the H bridge operation
- In the above diagram, you can see that Switches S1 and S4 are in a close state, and S2 and S3 are in an open state, so in the left circuit, the motor has positive terminals and it will rotate in a clockwise direction
- If S2 and S3 are in a close state and S1 and S4 are in an open state right motor has a positive terminal so the motor rotates in an anticlockwise direction
- This phenomenon can is explained in table form that will help to understand the rotation control of the dc motor
L298N Motor Driver Block Diagram
- The main applications of this motor driver are discussed here
- It used in robotics
- Used to control the stepper motor
- Used for dc motor control
- Used in industries to control machines
What is the function of the L298N motor driver?
- LN298N motor driver controls the speed and direction of rotation of DC motors. It uses an L198N PWM system that controls voltage with the use of wave pulses. The larger pulses will have high-speed motor rotation. The accurate pulse width based on motor type
What are the benefits of L298N?
- L298N is a motor driver that controls the motor speed and direction of 2 DC motors. This driver is low-cost and easy to use for motor control. The basic benefit is that it controls the speed of stepper motors.
What is the description of L298 motor driver?
- L298 is an integrated monolithic circuit with 15 lead multi-watt and power SO 20 packages. It comes with a high voltage high current dual full-bridge driver made for getting standard TTL logic levels and operated inductive loads like relays, solenoids, DC, and stepping motors.
Can I connect 4 motors to L298N?
- It has features for the integration of two L298N chips and has features for driving 4 DC motors or two stepper motors. It configured LM2596 DC-DC voltage regulator board
That is all about the L298N Motor Driver all details have been explained. If you have any questions ask here