Hi, readers welcome to the new post. Here we will discuss BC556. It belongs to the family of BJT transistors and can come in the form of a TO-92 casing. As it is a commonly used device so preferred to be employed in different projects as an amplifier and switch which is the main feature of any transistor.
The value of volts given at the terminals for CE is in the range of sixty-five with negative polarity. This feature is used in applications where minus sixty-five volts DC is needed with a current of one hundred milliamperes. Here we will know about its working features and some other parameters. So let’s get started.
What is a BC556 transistor?
- A BC555 and BC556 are often confused with each other. The difference is that the BC556 has an emitter gate surrounding a baseband transistor. There is very little value of collector losses at the emitter.
- BC556 is a PNP BJT transistor and part of switching and audio frequency amplifiers.
- The Collector emitter of BC556 is about -65 volts and it can used for operating loads of -65V DC with a max 100mA current.
- The collector dissipation power is 500 and 100 to 800 DC gain. So it is part of different amplification and preamplification purposes.
- The three sub-categories of B556 is BC556A, BC556B, and BC556C. Their basic difference value of gain
- BC556 gain is 110Â to 800
- Â BC556A =110 to 220,
- BC556B = 200 to 450,
- BC556C= 420 to 800.
How does the BC556 work?
- The BCC556 is a PNP transistor configuration that needed zero volts at the base transistor for turning on.
- before using it check the value of gain of these transistors and IC current not exceeded -100mAÂ and peak current of -200mA
- Its emitter-base voltage is -5V. it has a collector voltage of -65 V and a collector base is -80 volts.
- For biased conditions, it can draw about 100mA about CE junctions, and this condition is called saturation state and uses load that uses more current than 100mA and damages the device.
- As the transistor is a current-controlled device if the base current is removed transistor is off in this phase transistor is working for the cut-off region and the Base Emitter voltage could be around 660 mV.
How to Make a Project with BC556
- BC556 is mostly employed in switching and amplifier applications. That is a very basic part of many projects to control it and know how much power it can generate.
- So there is a need for good knowledge and a high level of experience to make such projects and the new person will face difficulty in handling these conditions.
- So if you are new to using these transistors and facing any difficulty I will suggest you and projects creators and masters in the field of electronics that not only help to design and create projects but also help the low-budget people to make projects through their sponsorships programs.
- This manufacturer is PCBWAY. They offer the services of PCBs and their products.
- There are different features they have to offer the prototyping service and construction of boards according to users’ demands.
- The main features that make them unique then other PCB suppliers is high-quality projects, fast delivery, less cost, and given-time shipping.
- They are not working as brokers and work as solo PCB suppliers in the industry.
- Their website is also displaying good quality content to the users to get the details info about their services.
- They are collaborating with all over the world almost two thirty-five thousand users.
- The cost for boards is according to dimensions but generally for one a millimeters by the eighty-millimeter board can get in fifty dollars which is a good price than others with high quality.
- So in the end I will suggest you use this supplier for the projects that you are going to make through BC556 transistors they do not help to make the process and also suggest the practical implementation of the device since they have an experienced team of engineers.
BC556 Pinout
- Collector: electrons released from the emitter get by the collector
- Base: Control of biasing is done here
- Electrons released from the emitter in the first PN junction
BC556 Features
- It comes in packages of TO-92
- it is a PNP transistor
- The maximum collector current is -100Â mA
- (VCE) voltage is about -65 V
- Collector Dissipation (Pc) is 500 mW
- Transition Frequency (fT) value is 100 MHz
- DC Current Gain (hFE) is 110 to 800
- The highest collector-base voltage is -80 V
- Emitter-Base Voltage (VBE) is -5 V
- Storage and Operating temperature: are -65 to +150 Centigrade
Where to use BC556
- As it is general purpose transistor used for switching and audio amplifier circuit
- It is also part of preamplifier circuits since audio amplifiers or any other type of signal amplification it used.
- it is also used for switches that are in 100mA. The 100mA collector current has enough features to small loads in different circuits such as LEDS, and relays.
- It is also used for the output of controllers since has a -5V emitter-base voltage
- It used in audio circuits and amplifiers
- it is also part of different relay drivers and led drivers
- it is used for Audio amplifiers, signal Amplifiers,
- Darlington pair also uses a transistor
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