Hello friends welcome to new post. In this post we will have a detailed look at How to Perform ETAP Arc Flash Analysis. In this post we will learn about he usage of Arc Flash Analysis in the ETAP software with that learn about the Arc flash measurements.
So let’s get started.
How to Perform ETAP Arc Flash Analysis
- Here are 2 main types of categories that do flash analysis.
- THrough the use of qucik incidnet eergy measruemtns at a singell bus.
- Run global AF measuemns at all Buses used.
Usage of Quick Incident Energy at Bus
- It is the basic tecchnique to obtain certain AF outpcoems and create designs. Therre step involved described here.
- There is certain types of device gap and X factors exist in the ARC analysis created in the rating tab of the bus.
- We can get the benifits of such certian paramerts to do the instnat Arc flash measruemtns.
- Press at the sditor for Bus1 and move to the rating tab of bus and choose the category of device which is denoted through bus.
- It can be measued device like swithcgear, MCC or open air device.
- When we choose the device category choose ceertain gap and limts paramerts through pressing at the Typica data tab.
- It will resuls th needed gap and X facgtor data with that results limits as shown.
- Move to the Arc flash tab and choose the operation distance. THis distance is automaticaly population based at the voltage level and category device.
- THe operation distance is called distance through individaul torso and appearant to energized device.
- We can also mention the network grounding arranmens of the device feeder, transformer grounding, source grounding such as solid grounded.
- If we do not get the system grounding. supposing the network is not ground will results creates fault. We can vary the fault user configured network through choosing from the dropdown parameters.
- Pressing the givne user bolted fault current. If we aware how time it willl get the protective equipment s to remove teh arc press given data in the User defined Ar fault option.
- Choose the arc flash label template which we need and press at the print tab. The crystal reports analyzer tab will show through lebal is getting involved for printing.
- The bus arc flash data permits us to obtain Arc flash outcomes give time interval.
Adjusting and Running Global Arc Flash Analysis
- Above we discssed the bas method to make AF outcomes. Though the bus measruemtns is basic and it not suffucnet than we required to operate run analysis at hundred of errors points.
- To do this we will adjust the global AF measuremtns.
- The simmialr input information is needed if we do usage of instant energy findings at the bus or if the global AF measursn is needed.
- To do measuremtns open the ARC flash mesaruems study and move to the AF data display. At this tab we can globally mesuemtns the device gap among the conductors, working distance and AF parameters to used global AF.
- It will provides us a many duraion becasue we will be only reeded to discuss the category of device denoted through every bus.
- The global measuemtns for every group of input information can be defied through getting project, setting , arc, flash as shwon here.
- It is mentioend that we willl work on the tab indicates in the AF data tab figure becasue we prmit the usage of modern parameters through certain numbers.
- At the data display of the short cirucit study case editor choose the buses that are errored through the information as can seen in short cirurcuitr display.
- We can press right at the bus and choose the error.
- The second stage needed the choose of arc erorr cllearing time. The error is adjust to the automaitc finding of FCT through the star protectice equipment time current features or TCC of the protective equipment.
- In certain stages the certain results is get through choosing a TCC through the chief feeder PD. As we get large time to run.
- If we choose a TCC through the bUS EtAp will do usage of given FCT through the BUS ARC flash display.
- The cetainn benifits to be choosen can be ignored through error and are self defined. for instance we can select to do the global easuemnts outcomes to ARc flash infor at the bus.
- The AF measuemtns can do again fro all differnt aranemtns in ETAP. The scen and discussion wizard can be used to retain results and do repeation of certain measuemns as seen in belwo diagram here 2 different AF measuemnts can be done and noted.