Hello, friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will discuss the Difference Between Wattmeter & Energy Meter. wattmeter finds the value of electric power flowing in the circuit while the energy meter finds the value of net electric energy used by the load connected in the circuit.
Electrical power is a quantity that explains the rate of doing work and it is measured in watts or kilowatt. The ability of a system to perform work is called electrical energy. In today’s post, we will have a detailed look at both the wattmeter and energy meter with the details to find their differences. So let’s get started with the Difference Between a Wattmeter & Energy Meter.
Difference Between Wattmeter & Energy Meter
- The meter that measures the value of net power flowing in the circuitry is called a wattmeter.
- It measured the power in watts.
- Its working principle is based on the conductor having a current is placed in the field experiencing a force.
- The wattmeter uses multiple of currents and volts in average terms to fids power.
- P=VI
- The main elements in its structure are a fixed and moving coil, a control system, a damping system and pointer, and a scale.
- Its practical application is the power measurement of electric circuitry and with that finds the ratings of different instruments.
- To measure the value of utility frequency there is the use of a wattmeter called electromagnetic also finds the value of audio frequency
- The normally used wattmeter in the school lab is called an electrodynamic wattmeter.
- It has two coils that is fixed called the current coil that can move called the potential coil
- There is a series connection of the current coil with the circuitry and parallel to the potential coil.
- Analog wattmeter has a needle that can move to shown calculation.
- the thousand times of seconds current and voltage measured through a digital wattmeter.
Energy Meter
- The meter finds the value of power used by the load attached to the circuitry. It is called an electricity meter
- they are installed at our homes, markets, and shopping centers to find the value of bills.
- Its units of measuring is KWH or kilowatt-hours
- It measured the energy in the Joules.
- P=3600.KWH/t
- Its working operation is based on the transformation of electric energy into work.
- The main elements in the structure of the energy meter are the Driving system, moving system, braking system, and counting mechanism.
- Its practical use is in the measurement value of energy used in homes and industries.
- KWH is the energy consumed by the device in one hour and also has a value of 3600000 jouls
- It uses voltage and current instantaneous values to find the value of energy.
- To find energy used it can be linked in small level load between input supply and load.
- To connect it with a high load there should be CT should be used
- It has two main types electronic and electromechanical energy meters.
- Now smart meters are used in industries to find power
Wattmeter vs Energy Meter
- It is an electrical device measuring the reading of power used by the load in a circuit called a wattmeter.
- A wattmeter is used to measure active power in circuits.
- It has two types of wattmeter that are wattmeter and ‘induction type wattmeter’.
- It shows a reading of power measured in watts.
- The main components are the current coil, pressure coil, control system, damping system, scale, and pointer.
- The wattmeter indicates the category of the instrument.
- It is used for measuring power ratings and used and also used for labs for performing different experiments.
Energy Meter
- The electrical devices that show the value of electrical energy used by the load at a certain time are called energy meters.
- Its main types are electromechanical induction meters’, ‘electronic energy meters’ and ‘smart energy meters.
- The normal energy meter shows readings in kWh (kilo-watt hours).
- The main components energy meter are the current coil, braking system, counting mechanism voltage coil, and rotating aluminum disc,
- It used for measuring electrical energy bills and for monitoring
So, friends, it is a detailed post about the difference between a wattmeter and an energy meter. I tried my level best to make simple this post for you. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any further query ask in the comments. Thanks for reading. Have a good day.