Hi, readers welcome to the new post. In this post, we will have a detailed look at the Difference Between Matter Wave & Electromagnetic Wave. Wave is defined as disturbance created in the medium. In different situations waves are defined through wave equations For the creation of physical waves, there is the use of 2 quantities in that particle place where the wave has to be created.
There is a type of wave called periodic wave here waves show fluctuation about the position of rest. The common type of waves is 3 through which electromagnetic and matter waves are. The basic comparison is such that in electromagnetic waves there is a combination of electrical and magnetic fields while in matter waves it does not exist. In this post, we will cover their basics in detail. So let’s get started
Difference Between Matter Wave & Electromagnetic Wave
Matter Wave
- The matter waves are the main portion of quantum mechanics fields since it related to wave-particle duality.
- Almost every matter shows a wave-like nature. For instance, the diffraction behavior shown by the electron beam is like the water wave or light.
- In certain conditions, the wavelength is very low to show the physical results at different factors.
- The wave-like features shown by any matter is given by Louise de Broglie. That is called the de Broglie hypothesis.
- So these waves are also called de Broglie waves the Broglie wavelength is the wavelength that is related to high-weight particles and has a relation with the plank constant and momentum.
Electromagnetic Wave
- Electromagnetic waves denote as EM waves are produced in a consequence of vibrations existing in the electrical and magnetic field.
- In a basic way, electromagnetic waves are comprised of electric and magnetic fields in oscillation.
- These waves are created when there is a connection between the electrical and magnetic fields. So this wave is known as electromagnetic waves.
- The electrical fields and magnetic fields of these waves are at ninety degrees to each other.
- The traveling waves of these waves are 3 x 10Λ8 meters per second in space. These fields show no deflection is not from electrical and magnetic fields.
- Since the waves showed diffraction behavior. These waves can pass from any material like solid, air,.
- There is no need of any certain medium for these waves.
What is Electromagnetic Waves
- There is a need for electric and magnetic fields for these waves.
- These waves can pass through the vacuum.
- An example is UV, a radio wave.
- Their speed of movement is close to the speed of light.
- Its equation is λ=c/v
What is Matter Wave
- There is no need of a certain type of field for these waves.
- These waves can pass through wave sine.
- An example of this wave is a beam of electrons.
- Its speed of movement is less than the speed of light.
- λ=h/P is its equation.
What is the difference between electromagnetic and matter waves?
- Matter waves are not based on electric and magnetic fields, and electromagnetic waves are based on oscillating electric and magnetic fields
What is the difference between a wave and an electromagnetic wave?
- There is no need of a medium for propagating electromagnetic waves. That means electromagnetic waves move through air sold and vacuum.
What is the difference between matter wave and particle wave?
- Particle energy is measured from mass and velocity and wave energy is measured from wavelength and velocity.
What is the difference between matter waves and light waves?
- Light waves are electromagnetic waves and matter waves are probability waves. in a vacuum light waves of different wavelengths come with the same velocity. The velocity of matter waves of various wavelengths is different
What are some examples of matter waves?
- The beam of electrons diffracted like a beam of light or water wave
What is an example of an electromagnetic wave?
- Radio waves and microwaves are electromagnetic waves. The difference is that the distance between one wave crest to the next and most of the energy is not visible and we can see a range of wavelengths that is light
What are the characteristics of a matter-wave?
- Matter waves do not come with electromagnetic features. The electron microscope is made through the use of de-Broglie waves. The chances of existing particles in spacetime are denoted as matter waves. The charge of material components does not affect matter waves.
What is the formula for the matter-wave?
- The equation for momentum and wavelength of matter waves is p = h/λ, and the equation of energy and frequency is E = hf. λ = h/p is known as the de Broglie wavelength, and λ = h/p and f = E/h are known as de Broglie relations.
That is a detailed post about the Difference Between Matter Waves & Electromagnetic Waves if you have any further queries ask in the comments. Thanks for reading. have a nice day.