The lens is the curved-shaped transparent glass piece that can be created through the use of plastic that used to do the refraction and focusing of light. The curved area of the lens defines about the quantity through which light gets bent and the direction of movement.
There are 2 main types of lens first one is the concave and the second one is the convex lens in the case of the convex lens the light rays meet ar single point or focus point while in the case of concave lens light rays diverge from the point. So let’s get started
Difference Between Concave and Convex Lens
Concave lens
- The structure of the concave lens is such that it has one side curve toward the inner side.
- Its behaviour is diverging which means that indicates that it changes the beams coming to it.
- This lens has edges thicker than other surfaces. It is used for the treatment of myopia which is a disease of short sight ness.
Convex Lens
- The structure of this lens is opposite of the concave lens meaning its inner side is thick the outer side or edges.
- Ray of light after passing through it merges at a single point called the focal point.
- It also called a converging lens
- It used in cameras
The main types of convex lens are
- Plano-convex lens
- Double convex lens
- concave convex lens
Lens type
- The lenses have 2 main types according to surface design. Id both sides of the lens is convex called biconvex lenses.
- If there is the same radius at both sides then it is called eqviconvax. Two concave surfaces are called biconvex.
- Is one side is flat called the plane concave lens. In the case biconvex lens ray of light move through the lens spot at behind of lense.
What is Magnification
- The ratio between the size of the image to the size of the object is called magnification. It is denoted with M.
- For real images, its value is denoted with negative and for positive it is denoted with positive M.
Magnification= Image hight/object hieght
What is Optical Aberration
- The aberration is a feature of the optical system the lens has the property to separate the light at a given area. Due to aberration image created through the lens is dim or not clear
- For imaging, the result is aberration if the light does not fall at a single point after moving through the system
What is the difference between a convex lens and by convex lens?
- When viewed from one side, the concave-convex lens is convex and when viewed from the other side it is concave. lense. The biconvex lens focuses a beam of light from objects that are at a distance from the focal point
Concave vs Convex Lens
Convex Lens
- Its shape is such that has a thick center,
- it is a converging lens and helps parallel rays to focus on point.
- its principal focus is real, existing on the side of incoming light.
- It makes the real or virtual image.
- its curvature is outward
- it has a positive focal lenght
- its equation is 1/f = 1/v + 1/u
- It makes larger, smaller, or images of the same size object.
- It has a positive and negative magnification
- It’s used in cameras, projectors, and magnifying glass.
- Its main types are Biconvex and Plano Convex
Concave Lens
- It has a thin center and moves inward.
- its principal focus is virtual existence on the same side of incoming light.
- It makes virtual and diminished images.
- It has negative magnification.
- Its focal length is negative.
- its equation is 1/f = 1/v – 1/u
- It is a diverging lens and helps parallel rays to spread out.
- Its main types are Biconcave and Plano Concave
Is the human eye lens concave or convex?
- The lens in the human eye is the convex lens. We can see different colors and objects. We can see things since light from the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum is emitted from objects entering in our eyes passes through the lens, and falls on the retina of the eyes.
Is glasses concave or convex?
- Concave lenses are used for nearsighted and convex used for farsighted. Concave lenses are used in eyeglasses that correct nearsightedness.
Is magnifying glass concave or convex?
- The magnifying glass is a convex lens used for making objects larger than thier normal size it works when the object is put at a distance less compared to the focal length from the lens.
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That is all about the Difference Between the Concave and Convex Lens if you have any further query ask in comments. thanks for reading have a good day