CNC is an automated manufacturing process that is used for controlling the functions of machines like lathes, drills, mills, and others through the use of a computer. This process has made the manufacturing process simple and easy for performing different operations with high efficiency and accuracy. CNC machining provides cutting-edge options for manufacturing processes. Here we will cover details of its working and from where you can get this service. So let’s get started with What Is CNC Machining?
What Is CNC Machining?
- The full form of CNC machining is computer numerical control, which is defined as computer-based work performed by machines that are used for the production of devices.
- A CNC machine’s function is based on pre-programmed software and coding that helps machines to operate exactly and do different tasks for completion.
- The CNC machine cuts part of the materials according to details provided to the computer and fulfills the instructions of pre-coded programs. All this happens without manual operators or any person.
- CNC is used to perform different machines such as lathes, turning mills, routers, and grinders. All are used for cutting and designing different parts and prototypes.
Working of CNC machining
- CNC machining operates through getting pre-programmed commands in series that are provided through computer software. The latest machines use manual control; instead, they operate with the use of CNC machining languages called G-code and M-code.
- This code gives machines accurate details for manufacturing, such as speed, feed rate, location, and coordination.
- CNC machines come with a microcomputer that is stored in the MCU of machines. The task that the machine completes, MCU gets a standard code that defines the machine to operate.
- Â That code was made with the use of a blueprint or CAD software and after that provided to the machine for starting the functions.
- G-code regulates the motion and working of the machine. M-code performs the external movements of functions. CAD or CAM software is used for writing the code manually.
- The main types of CNC machines are
- CNC Lathes:
- CNC Mills:
- CNC Plasma Cutters:
- CNC Routers:
- 3D Printers:
Importance of CNC machining
Before CNC for the manufacturing process, heavy machines were used. The working conditions are not the best and are difficult to do. There is also a need for skilled staff, and different modern manufacturers are still using automated machines and CNC machines for finishing work. It helps to make working an easy, simple process and effective with a complete process that is clean and sustainable.
CNC with computer-aided design and CAM software makes technology advanced and also provides innovation for industry. The main advantages of CNC are as follows.
- It provides a good working environment for workers in safe ways and also proper working conditions.
- Good accuracy and constant working for the manufacturing process with fewer chances for error.
- It has low waste, and CNC machines work in an accurate and optimized way.
- It has low-cost functions and also reduces expenses for operating and energy uses.
- It provides a high-speed manufacturing process without any delay since it has an automated process.
- The use of CNC also provides workers with the same and secure working environments.
CNC Machine Programming
The working of CNC manufacturing is based on numerical control, where software is used for controlling work. The language used for CNC machines is called G code, and it is configured for controlling different features for machines like speed, feed rates, etc.
The main feature is that CNC machines help to pre-program speed and accurate position of machine tools working and operate through software in defined cycles, and it performs automatically, but some minor help for human operations is needed.
In CNC processes, 2D or 3D CAD drawings are then shifted to computer code that applies to the CNC system to apply. Then the program is given the operator to make sure that there is no error in coding.
Open/Closed-Loop Machining Systems
At the time of the CNC process, the position control is defined through an open-loop or closed-loop system. Single operates in one direction from CNC controller to motor. With a closed-loop system, the controller has features for getting feedback that make error solving, if it exists, easier. So a closed-loop system can solve errors in speed and accuracy.
The motion direction in CNC machines is the X and Y axes. The tools are set, and instructions are given through steppers or servo motors that control motions according to G-code.
JUSTWAY CNC Machining Service
JUSTWAY is the best CNC machining service provider with quality 3D printing services. They are also experts in the CNC machining process.
- Instant Quotes & DFM Feedback
- Rapid prototyping and full-scale manufacturing
- Tight Tolerances
- 3-axis CNC milling and 5-axis indexed milling processes with 30+ metals and plastics, 10+ surface finishes
Main online CNC machining services provided by JUSTWAY are
- CNC milling
- CNC turning
- Electrical discharge machine
- Surface finish
How JUSTWAY provides high-quality machined parts is as
- Critical
- dimensions
- Quantity of parts
- Removal of sharp edges and burrs
- Number of parts inspected
- Surface finish
- Threads and tolerances