Advantages Of Windows 10

Advantages Of Windows 10

Hello, readers welcome to the new post. In this tutorial, we will discuss the Advantages Of Windows 10. Microsoft Windows 10 latest version of windows the most used operating system and is used by a larger number of users in the world. There are many features it has that users get advantages. That we will cover…

stepp motor is what

Advantage of Stepper Motor

Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Here we will learn Advantage of Stepper Motor. the stepper motor is a brushless synchronous motor that transforms digital pulses into mechanical shaft rotation. its shat motion comes with discrete angular movement of a certain uniform magnitude when operated from a sequentially switched dc supply. stepper motor is…

18 Things Facebook Knows About You

What does Facebook know about you?

Hello, readers welcome to the new post. here we will learn Things Facebook Knows About You. Facebook wants to know about you as a stalker. To make conditions worse this social media app is not successful enough to protect users’ data repeatedly. So you have knowledge of what Facebook knows about you. Let get started…

Advantages of Electric Vehicles

Advantages of Electric Vehicles

In this post, we will discuss the Advantages of Electric Vehicles. Electric cars are the best option and cleaner and better for the environment than petrol or diesel-powered cars. Since they are operated on power get by lithium-ion battery charged with electricity. There is not exhaust fumes generated so less dangerous greenhouses produce like carbon…