PIC16F877a Ports, PIC16F877a pinout

Introduction to PIC16f877A

Hello, friends, I hope you all are enjoying your life. In today’s tutorial, we will have a detailed look at Introduction to PIC16f877A. Due to its low price and easy access, it is mostly used PIC microcontroller. You can buy this module from any electronic hope in the range of three to four dollars. Most engineering…

Introduction to Arduino Due

Introduction to Arduino Due

Hello respected student I hope you all are doing great. In today’s post, we will have a detailed look at Introduction to Arduino Due.  It is a microcontroller based on the Atmel SAM3X8E ARm Cortex-M3 central processing unit. This first Arduino created on the thirty-two-bit ARM core microcontroller is Arduino Due. In this module there are…

Microcontroller PIN Out Features of Microcontroller Microcontroller Vs Microprocessor Microcontroller Vs Desktop Computer What is Microcontroller

What is Microcontroller

Hello dear readers I hope you all are having fun in your life. In today’s post, we will discuss What is Microcontroller.  The creation of a microcontroller was done with the production of metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors. or MOSFET. The first time in 1959 it was created by Mohamed M.Atalla and Barwon when they were working at…