Hello, readers welcome to the new post. Here we will learn Advantage of Stepper Motor. the stepper motor is a brushless synchronous motor that transforms digital pulses into mechanical shaft rotation. its shat motion comes with discrete angular movement of a certain uniform magnitude when operated from a sequentially switched dc supply.
stepper motor is a digital input-output device. It is best to use for applications where control signals are shown as digital pulses as compared to analog voltage. One digital pulse for the Stepper motor drive resulted motor increasing the angle of motion. The digital pulse increases frequency step motion varies into continuous rotation.
How does a stepper motor work?
Each revolution of the stepper motor is divided into discrete steps, in some conditions about 200 steps, and motors should provide separate pulses for every step.
The stepper motor can take one step at a time and that has the same size.
Each pulse resulted motor rotating at an accurate angle that is about 1.8 degrees, motor position can regulated without a feedback system.
The digital pulses increase frequency step motion varies in continuous rotation with the speed of rotation proportional to the frequency of the pulses.
Stepper motors are used for both industries and commercial applications since having low cost, high reliability, and high torque for low speeds and have a simple structure that can easily handle
Choosing Factor for Stepper Motor and the controller
The selection of a stepper motor is based on torque and speed requirements where the motor is used. The use of a motor torque speed curve helps to choose a motor.
Each stepper motor controller in the Omegamation line comes with a torque speed curve for motors. If torque and speed needs can be fulfilled through different stepper motors, the selection of control based on requirements of motion system step, analog inputs, then the preferred motor for that controller.
Advantages of Stepper Motor
- It is a low-cost option for control circuits
- it produces high torque and low speed at the starting
- It is a ruggedness motor
- Its construction is easy and simple
- it can work in an open-loop control system
- It needed less maintenance
- it gets less slip or stall
- It can work in different conditions
- it is used for robots mostly
- It has highly reliable features
- The rotation angle of the motor is proportional to the input pulse
- Motors come with full torque for standstill
- Its accuracy value is about three to five percent.
- It has a good response to starting stopping and reversing
- it is reliable since not contact brushless in the motor. So working life is based on the bearing.
- if the stepper motor is out of control or facing inappropriate control resonance is produced.
- It does not easily provide high speed and is also difficult to get high torque.
- Stepper motors are not beneficial for size and weight. With that energy use ratio is also low
- For overloading conditions, synchronization will be broken. Vibration and noise are produced for high speed.
What is a stepper motor used for?
- Stepper motors used in floppy disk drivers, flatbed scanners, computer printers, plotters, image scanner intelligent lighting, CNC machines, and 3D printers
What is the logic of the stepper motor?
- The basic working of stepper motors is through energizing one or more of the stator phases, A magentic field is produced through current passing in the coil and the rotor aligns with this field.
What is an example of a stepper motor?
- Vending machines are common applications, in cup filling vending machines, such as stepper motors work at the cup transport process. IN bank ATMs stepper motors operate tray elevators and feed paper through the receiver printer
What is the duty cycle of a stepper motor?
- Duty cycles denoted the ratio of pulse width to a total period of signal and are normally expressed in percentage.
- Stepper motors driver interprets the PWM signal and regulates current passing through motor windings accordingly.
The recommended motor list is based on extensive testing by the manufacturer to ensure optimal performance of the stepper motor and controller combination.